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VisualRM [DEV] [Deleted]

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Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
tyb51 submitted a new resource:

VisualRM [DEV] - Visual RM - Free version


Visual RM - Advanced bot making for you


VisualRM is a visual scripting node based bot developing framework available only on Runemate. With an easy to learn, hard to master approach, endless...

Read more about this resource...
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Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Tutorials and guides are coming: for some simple starting information I refer to a message I sent to someone asking for some information to make a Thieving bot.

Guides will come in due time. Until then you should look at the public bots and try to learn from that (which is not ideal for sure).
Because a lot is still changing to the beta version of this bot I am mainly focussed on fixing bugs and implementing necessary functions. To help you out i can say that to build a bot you start by adding a "START" node. Nodes in general you can find on the left icon bar. You can use the search function to find the one you want or just browse through them.
WHen you've added the start node you need to add Condition nodes that help you decide what action node has to fire. You can find several condition nodes also in the left side column.
A node is a box with dropdownboxes where you select certain values. For values to appear you need to add variables.
To add variables go to the "Variables" tab in the right side column of the UI. Here you can name a variable to your liking and add a value and a type.
E.g. Name: Thieving npc, Value: Master farmer, Type: NPC.
E.g. Name: food, Value: Jug of Wine, Type: Sprite (or Inventory item, can't remember for sure)
E.g. Name: Thieving action, Value: Pickpocket, Type: Action
Values can often also have only part of the name
E.g. Name: Any dart, Value: dart, Type: Sprite/Inventory item
If you youse this variable in a Node and you check off the checkbox "partial name matching" this will be enough for the bot to recognize any dart type.

For the conditions you want to use for your thieving bot. You'd need a
Player condition: to check if animating (then do nothing) or not
Npc condition: to check if npc with the desired name is available or not
Inventory condition: to check if inventory is full or to check if has food.

And actions:
Interaction action: to interact with npc, to eat food, to drop items etc
Bank action: to withdraw a preset.

I recommend looking at public bots to get a feel on how to create your own logic. (Some might not work again because of continuous updates to VIsualRM

Bug reports and feature request:
VisualRM - bug report tracker

Bot requests:
Request thread

Public bot repository
- Download bots by going to the linked page and right clicking "Raw" > Save file as. -
  • Sand Crabs Zeah: Start the bot on the most western part of the shore. It will eat lobsters ( change the lobster variable to your food of preference) and automatically regenerate agro. Have fun. Note for developers, it is an interesting bot flow to look at. it show you an example on how you could make use of booleans to determine the bot actions.

Note: as VisualRm evolves some of these scripts might break. Try to fix them by yourself first (it's a good learning exercise) or ask for help on the forums
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Hexis bots go brrr
Dec 9, 2016
Congratulations on release, been watching the progress for a while and it's got huge potential.
May 27, 2017
Very cool concept.

I would like to be able to have a delay that can be placed in the logic, e.g. between player condition -> pause -> npc condition.

Currently it spam clicks npcs way too much.
Other than that, fun to be able to make bots in a flowchart-way :p

And you should have the option to "check" if you want spam-click or just click once.
Often times it's way more natural to run the loop once more if the first click didn't register.
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Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Very cool concept.

I would like to be able to have a delay that can be placed in the logic, e.g. between player condition -> pause -> npc condition.

Currently it spam clicks npcs way too much.
Other than that, fun to be able to make bots in a flowchart-way :p

And you should have the option to "check" if you want spam-click or just click once.
Often times it's way more natural to run the loop once more if the first click didn't register.
You should add a condition check to avoid it spam clicking (like is walking, is animating,... ) i do not prefer adding delays an sich as it adds intended 'lag' that makes bots slow. Use or request more conditions for me to add.to make a better bot. (I will add the delays tho, eventually) As for spamclicking, you can adjust the delay multiplier for each action and lower the loop delay in the start node to make your bot click faster for certain branches.
NOTE: soon i'll add a platform for bug reports and requests, so wait a bit for those
Oct 26, 2016
Is it possible to create conditions to check if a minigame (Wintertodt for example) is in progress and keep an eye on points at all? Probably not something which you have implemented yet, but just wondering if it's something you plan on creating or if it is possible at all. I have no idea.

I made a Wintertodt bot on another platform but can't progress further on it as I need to be able to see if minigame is in progress or not basically.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Is it possible to create conditions to check if a minigame (Wintertodt for example) is in progress and keep an eye on points at all? Probably not something which you have implemented yet, but just wondering if it's something you plan on creating or if it is possible at all. I have no idea.

I made a Wintertodt bot on another platform but can't progress further on it as I need to be able to see if minigame is in progress or not basically.
You can use the interface component condition, I'll make a tutorial for it tho if you can't figure it out. .You could also use varbit condition if varbits exists for progress
Oct 26, 2016
You can use the interface component condition, I'll make a tutorial for it tho if you can't figure it out. .You could also use varbit condition if varbits exists for progress

Oh, really? I'll try it out. A tutorial would be pretty dope nonetheless when you've got the time to do one. Thanks!
How does bank withdraw work for OSRS? Trying to withdraw x amount of food and I've looked through your previous bots, but seems like you're only using presets.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Oh, really? I'll try it out. A tutorial would be pretty dope nonetheless when you've got the time to do one. Thanks!
How does bank withdraw work for OSRS? Trying to withdraw x amount of food and I've looked through your previous bots, but seems like you're only using presets.
Didn't realize I havn't really implemented a good bank withdrawel (just started testing for OSRS)! Could you add a feature request to the dedicated channels (see first post or bot information page), I already have an idea on how I'll implement this
Oct 26, 2016
Didn't realize I havn't really implemented a good bank withdrawel (just started testing for OSRS)! Could you add a feature request to the dedicated channels (see first post or bot information page), I already have an idea on how I'll implement this

All done and thanks for the quick response!
Oct 26, 2016
Check it out what I made for bank withdrawel :D
2018-04-29_02-08-50.mp4 - Streamable

Oh man, that looks neat! :D
I assume it'll be implemented next push or does it still need work? Definitely looking forward to trying it out man.

From my experience with the bot so far, it also seems to be a lot more advanced features within this platform compared to similar bots and it's just been released, how long have you been working on this? Lol.
May 27, 2017
Check it out what I made for bank withdrawel :D
2018-04-29_02-08-50.mp4 - Streamable

Neat feature!

Just made another bot with this and it's extremely neat.
One thing that's missing is pots. It's been added to your trello board.

What's so beautiful is that all the bots created by this is (almost) heuristically different from everyone since everyone has different logic, pauses etc. . That's quite a feature.
Oct 12, 2017
How do I close a window I accidentally open? I'm using a slightly modified version of your portable wells, but in W84's mess.
Apr 22, 2018
They could pass me a runecrafting bot to load it. I'd be really grateful. I open the bot and I do not understand anything
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
They could pass me a runecrafting bot to load it. I'd be really grateful. I open the bot and I do not understand anything
I understand you :D. The beta release was just for users to play around and report essential things. I will come to tutorials and such as soon as I have time. This will explain the basics of bot creating so you'll be able to do so yourself.
How do I close a window I accidentally open? I'm using a slightly modified version of your portable wells, but in W84's mess.
What kind of window are you talking about. Most interface windows that open accidentally are closed by runemate. If its something else, also make sure you have your UI properly setup. 3D world not overlapping any interfaces. (Interface guide) That all said, extremely populated portable worlds are often a mess to make bots for without hacky solutions in code to avoid misclicks)
Oh man, that looks neat! :D
I assume it'll be implemented next push or does it still need work? Definitely looking forward to trying it out man.

From my experience with the bot so far, it also seems to be a lot more advanced features within this platform compared to similar bots and it's just been released, how long have you been working on this? Lol.
Yeah I've been working on this on and off since december I'm workign full time tho and I've also had to support my slayerbot quite a bit. As I'm developing solo things take their time.
And just need to write the actual banking. Had to do quite some work on the UI engine. But it opens the way for a lot of information display in the future
Oct 26, 2016
Yeah I've been working on this on and off since december I'm workign full time tho and I've also had to support my slayerbot quite a bit. As I'm developing solo things take their time.
And just need to write the actual banking. Had to do quite some work on the UI engine. But it opens the way for a lot of information display in the future

Alright I understand. Looking forward to it!
How do I close a window I accidentally open? I'm using a slightly modified version of your portable wells, but in W84's mess.

If I understand you correctly, theres a little button on the top right of the window you've opened. It's hard to see, but it's there.
What's so beautiful is that all the bots created by this is (almost) heuristically different from everyone since everyone has different logic, pauses etc. . That's quite a feature.

You make a good point, this could potentially lead to lower detection rates if peope make their own bots (or simply just change existing ones slightly).
May 27, 2017
00:00:00 INFO VisualRM [Beta] could not be started (com.tyb51.CharmingHuntress.CharmingHuntress)
00:00:21 INFO Attempting to start official client. If it does not open shortly please do so manually.
00:00:37 INFO VisualRM [Beta] could not be started (com.tyb51.CharmingHuntress.CharmingHuntress)

Can't be opened since v0.03 was pushed :( Playing OSRS
Too bad since I was looking forward to the new updates.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
VisualRM [Beta] updated to v0.0.3.

  • Added bug report button/feature request to the UI.
  • Added new interaction window to the BankWithraw node. You can now create a withdraw preset within VisualRm by hovering the value combobox. This will open a PopUp with a minus button(remove), a plus button(add/save) and between a box in which you can type the preset name. To make a preset load your current in-game inventory and select the items (and associated quantities). Save the preset by typing a name and/or pressing the plus-button to save the preset to the selected presetname.
  • Added a separate is animating condition to the player condition node. This includes a 2-3s or so delay to bridge the idle time in an animation. Be careful to use this in your flow as it will delay the node for 2seconds to see if you started animating again. The is skilling condition uses about the same method but currently has more advanced recognition for woodcutting in RS3. Over time I will add more specific recognition to not need the delay.
  • Added the go-to checkpoint node. This was previously missing causing the checkpoint feature to not be functional
  • Added value box to the chat dialog condition node to differentiate between current conversation. This could be useful for quest bots or bots requiring multiple conversation lines
  • Added Skill Condition node to evaluate skill levels
  • Added shop condition node: check if open, check if contains and check stock
    • Currently broken on oldschool due to client issues
  • Added shop action node: buy sell items
    • Currently broken on oldschool due to client issues
  • Added bank condition to check if bank is open and if bank contains items
  • Added Boolean check to the modulators group. (checks if the selection of Booleans are true/false)
  • Rename Object interaction to ‘Interaction’
  • Rename Loot -> Ground Object
  • Rename Game entity -> Game Object
  • Enabled collision caching
  • Added spacer to bottom toolbar
  • Adjusted the player condition node to compare the condition to the (non obligated) provided Boolean value. This allows to invert the result for logic purposes in the flow
  • BankWithraw handler will now support all presets 1-10 in RS3.
  • Changed the way nodetypes are handled internally, this could cause unwanted anomalies
  • Moved pause and stop nodes to the start category
  • Fixed coordinate node labels
  • Fixed random pause duration to allow pause durations of more than 300ms
  • Fixed offset of node titles
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