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  1. O

    Question Upgraded and time is not available

    Hey guys, hope you all are doing well today. I recently paid $2 to become supporter and then another $2 for an additional 200 hours (Runemate is awesome btw). The funds were withdrawn from my irl bank, and looking at other threads it seems that since it is an automated process that it takes a...
  2. ravioli

    Resolved Can't the monthly supporter (300) hours not be used for premium bots?

    Bought the supporter package, but am unable to run premium bots due to insufficient funds?
  3. alex096

    Resolved Lost 100 hours

    Upgraded to supporter to increase my bot hour limit beacuase i reached 200 mark. Worked fine for a while, went to bed and woke up to a meassage saying ive used all my 300 hours. How is it even possible to use 100 hours in under 24 hours by using one bot ? : )
  4. J

    Resolved Supporter but not given access to supporter + bots

    I became a supporter but I'm not sure why its not letting me use the SudoEssence bot? I'm not sure how to fix this. Runemate only says "Instance failed to start for the following reason: SudoEssence is a Supporter+ bot. You will have to upgrade your account in order to run it." Thanks for any...
  5. B

    Bug I paid $5 for 4 accounts right?

    I want to run 4 bots... I paid to accomidate that but every time I try and run more than 2 bots an error occurs and one of the bots crashes. This has caused me to pay for 3 hours worth of premium scripts and I haven't even mined an inventory of tin... I don't really care about the money, its...
  6. apsineses

    Supporters & Sponsors

    Greetings friends, I am new at boting, but already can tell it's really fun thing to do! :D Mostly i spend my time on "VisualRM" creating my own desired bots, to do different tasks, but the problem is that i can't launch more than 2 bots at the same time. I really want to maximize my work by...
  7. D

    Just wanna say thanks for all the supporter only scripts (I'm being sarcastic)

    I like runemate, in-fact I only started using it 2 days ago and already I've upgraded. I saw the bonus of having access to supporter only scripts, and I've just checked to see how many there are for OSRS, 2... and one of them is a lite version limited to just 30 (1 min use). Nice advertising...
  8. fisher420

    Intro with a question about upgrading :)

    Hi, I used to bot in maplestory and so far I find botting in runescape enjoyable too. I'll be looking at guides on here but if you have any money making pro tips then feel free to drop them down below. side note: question was already solved disregard title
  9. Y

    Resolved Payment Refund Runemate

    i just bought the $3/month single payment. However, I would like to get a refund as I now know the $4//month is more worth it. May I know who can process this refund? It is unfair for the customer to pay extra when he or she can get the refund and pay more. Please see calculation below...
  10. gustas


    Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
  11. gustas

    Constantly paying for hours and not receiving anything at all

    Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
  12. geashaw

    OSRS Upgrader service

    I noticed @Bonaya is doing the same, though I'd like to officially offer this service as well. Bump
  13. im bowdy

    Resolved I have 300 hours? But says 200

    Says i've used up all my hours of 200, i'm a supporter with 300? Whats going wrong here Anybody to help