Game Mode: OSRS
Link to wiki: Ourania Altar
Summary: Start at ZMI Banker, runs to ZMI Altar using the dangerous path, crafts runes and runs back to banker. Eats food when needed.
Required stats: None
Required quests: Rune Mysteries
Required items: Stamina Potions, Pure Essence, "runes" for...
Hello, I make custom accounts here and I don't use bots which make it more natural and safe.
I use email for follow up. I use PayPal for secure payments. You must create a account or have a account ready to level.
What I charge?
Non member will be added a $5
Real Player
Levels 1-50 per...
Started this account 24 days ago. Only using the new runemate spectre. Botting to test how far I can go, with botting max 5 hours a day. Going to buy membership in the future
Used scripts:
Celestial Fisher
Alpha Fighter (Beta)
This bot would be located at Combat Training Camp
Area is unlocked after completing Plague city & Biohazard. There are several 56 level ogres in cage that can be killed really easily since they have only 200lifepoints.
There are 8 ogres and spawn time is 50seconds.
No food / looting required.