All my bots that need home teleporting keeps hometeleport spamming, same with bots with the walking bath wont work, happened again over night and didint do anything that downloaded the patch. Anyidea anyone?
The paths wont work, and the hometeleports, but the client works just fine, nothing...
I recently started creating a bot that simply buys select items at the Varrock General Store and banks them for a cheesy and low cost way of getting some starter cash. However, I am experiencing and issue that involves my path occasionally returning null for seemingly inexplicable reasons. I...
Hey which path to use to walk to my exact place? Because every path i used it stops at halfway, thats weird(also used Area.Rectangular)
Guys, is this community dead or what?
MapSuite - GitHub - jjordantb/MapSuite: Runescape automation software tool
MapSuite is a tool that makes data gathering for Areas and Paths easier for the MMORPG OSRS.
In order to run you must use the "-Xmx" flag due to large map dimension correction, 512m should suffice.
Operation is simple...
A simple problem; I need to walk to an exact coordinate. When using any CoordinatePath subclasses (BresenhamPath, PredefinedPath, RegionPath) I typically walk to a near-by tile, and not to the exact coordinate specified. I tried setSetpDeviation to 0, but that did not help.
I have had more...
If you would like to make a suggestion or help with a fix to the default web, please post in this thread using the following format:
Obstacle name: The string of name exactly as seen in-game
Obstacle primary location: The location of the object in it's default state
Obstacle primary action...
Location: Death Plateau. For this diagram I have taken the shortest, but most dangerous route as you are attacked by Thrower Trolls on the north side. The green line is a wall of Rocks that is to be mantled. South of this map is Burthorpe.
The rocks are at coordinate [2835, 3592, 0] and have...
In this tutorial i will show you how too:
Create an Area
Select random Coordinate in area
Create a path to Coordinate
Walk there!
This came around as i wanted to find a random coordinate in the bank for my player to move to and then interact with the bank to make it more realistic than going...