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  1. wait

    Quest Assist Mate 1.1.5

    A semi-automated quest assistant, designed to make questing a breeze! Directly interacts with the Quest Helper RuneLite plugin, so supports virtually every quest! This bot is NOT fully automated, but will complete the wide majority of quest steps for you. To get started, select a quest in the...
  2. wait

    Fishing Mate 1.9.4

    A basic AIO fisher that supports dropping and banking!
  3. wait

    Leviathan Mate 1.3.8

    Kills The Leviathan, a boss from Desert Treasure II! Features: * Perfect prayer * Avoids rockfalls and moves into the light orb * Spec switching in enrage phase * Banking * Several traversal methods (Ring of shadows, POH fairy ring, Amulet of the eye) * Death walking * Break handling Setup...
  4. wait

    The Whisperer Mate 1.3.12

    Fights the Desert Treasure II boss The Whisperer! Features: * Supports Awakened variant * Perfect prayer * Perfect dodging * Break handling * Banking * Several traversal methods (Ring of shadows, POH, Lassar teleport) * Death walking Setup recommendation: * A powered staff is required (Shadow...
  5. wait

    God Wars Mate 3.2.5

    Tick perfect Bandos, Saradomin and Zamorak! Kills God Wars bosses using various tick-perfect patterns to mitigate damage from the boss. Supports: Ranged or Magic only 4-tick or 5-tick weapons (BOWFA, Crossbows, Shadow etc) Perfect prayer flicking Smart inventory management Finds a free...
  6. hunngry

    Bug pest control bots

    so pissed the pest control bots by party ..only version that barley works is the free version and apparently ive used my 3 hours for hole week. says to use premium version but problem is premium version doesnt work so the version that i can actually use is unavalible to use wihich is just stupid...
  7. G

    Parcels from the Hedge

    I was just wondering & didn't know where to ask. This event this month randomly puts letters in your inventory which cannot be banked. Are the bots going to be able to know that they need to be opened or is botting going to be impossible this month? I ask because my biggest fear with botting is...
  8. steelmuffin

    Request Force camera movement to to arrow keys if WSAD is mapped

    I noticed a problem that if you have WSAD mapped, such in the actionbar for instance, the bot has trouble moving the camera. It would be nice to have an option to manually enable forced usage of arrow keys or an automatic feature that is built into PlayerSense if it sees that the player has...
  9. party

    Prime NMZ 4.8.8

    Prime NMZ is the most advanced NMZ bot on the market, boasting a plethora of features to carry your account into the next world. Feature List: Dream and Boss selection. Intelligent Rock Cake & Rapid Heal support. Protect from Melee support. Highly configurable Melee & Ranged support...
  10. I

    Bug failed to bind to game client because of a agentintialization exception

    for reals... i cry okay so i have been trying to get this game to work on and off for 3 months today i just spent maybe 6 hours doing the same shit over and over and no help auxi was so awesome to actually do teamviewer with me and check it out, unfortunately we still weren't able to find the...
  11. nickyp94

    OSRS Looking for private bot

    anyone interested? pm me for details, donations up to $50 for your time and continued quality improvement of this bot. plz pm me for details
  12. nickyp94

    Bug osrs Prime NMZ bot

    the bot does perfect with setting up but once it starts the dream it doesn't drink prayer pots