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  1. B

    Bug Somehow accumulated 318 hours in 1 day with only 3 bots running

    Not sure how this is possible, any insight into this? Even if I ran all three bots 24/7 it would take 4.5 days to hit this number. I don't really want to drop another $2 or $3 to increase my hour limit just to fix a possible server side bug. Any thoughts? Thanks.
  2. D

    Bug "188 hours of botting in 3 days"

    So, I get the message saying "you've reached a max of 300 hours in the past month". After looking at my activity it says that in3 days of November I used the bot for an unrealistic amount of time. now I am unable to use the program after purchasing the supporter package. before these dates, i...
  3. S

    Bug Hours use

    Hi, I'm quite new here, I received a message I used 200 hours, so decided to upgrade to 300, which is fine. What happens when the 300 hours are over? when will it be resetting? can I purchase another 100 hours? How does the hour system work?
  4. T

    Bug i probably complain more than anyone

    my account says i still have 150 hours left but the client gives me a message that my monthly hours are used up and fails to load anything after that.
  5. alex096

    Resolved Lost 100 hours

    Upgraded to supporter to increase my bot hour limit beacuase i reached 200 mark. Worked fine for a while, went to bed and woke up to a meassage saying ive used all my 300 hours. How is it even possible to use 100 hours in under 24 hours by using one bot ? : )
  6. V

    Resolved Hours bug due to multiple botters...

    Hi, my roommate and myself share internet obviously, but we both bot. Our hours seem to be shared and causing myself to not be able to run any bot although I have not used any hours of the 300 I have. I have looked around for a fix and couldn't find one. Any help to resolve this issue without...
  7. R

    Bug Bug Maybe, Hours and Money

    So I was botting minnows and ran it for 18 hours but runemate charged me 37 hours ik its a bot but i mean at 7 cents an hour its $2.60 but for 18 hours its $1.26 so i mean just wondering i do bot on 2 computers at times (one pos laptop and the other my main pc) but on my main pc its normally...
  8. T

    Question Hours

    Someone please explain how hours rack up because it makes no sense. when i checked this morning i had 800 something hours left and did two 5 hour sessions after that, the second session ran 10 clients. the first one was less than that. now i have 200 something hours left. how does this make...
  9. P

    Resolved Negative hours from recent months purchased hours

    Hey, I purchased a total of 800 hours last month; however, today it's showing me I have negative hours. I ran out of my hours I believe about a day ago which I would have thought the hours would have been refreshed but last months hours which were purchased and used have joined in with the...
  10. T

    Resolved Lost hours? i just paid again...

    Hello. it seems that my upgrade had expired, so i paid to buy more hours again, even though technically i did not use up the botting hours, at least i dont think i did. I have been using visual RM dev, and i think when i left it paused for awhile it racked up hours even though the client it was...
  11. A

    Question Hours used doesnt match hours purchased?

    Greetings, Ive purchased a total 1200 hours from when i started using runemate in mid december 2018 this does not include the 200 hours i received upon being a new user. somehow a few days ago i managed to go negative ~320 hours so then i purchased 400 hours earlier today (included in the 1200...
  12. A

    Bug My hours aren't resetting

    It has been a month and I've finished my 200 hours but my hours aren't resetting. My first day of botting was 11th November.
  13. M

    Resolved Max Hours Reached

    so I had used all my hours up, and it says that I now have 50 hours left to use again, and it's saying i'm still at my limit for botting hours when I only have 150 hours used now please help!!
  14. Y

    Resolved Runemate Hours

    Why are my hours show -86? I last topped up on 14th Feb and I remembered having 500 hours remaining. Today is the 4th March and I don't bot my 1 account more than 8 hours a day. Never been connected to any VPN or public network. It's either my house IP or my mobile IP, do check. I want my hours...
  15. Z

    Question How to transfer botting hours to the real money?

    Hey there, I want to ask you a question about transferring botting hours to the real money. Can i do this? If yes tell me how. I just want to leave runemate and botting, my acc has about 7,5k of botting hours. Can anyone just change hours to money. I can also sell someone this acc for about 50$.
  16. tarzanpvp

    Question Hours

    Hey there, I am aware of how the hour system works, I started this account 1 Dec 17 and started my bot 2 Dec 17 which I botted 6 hours, 2 Dec 17. So via the system restoring hours I should have my 6 hours (2 Dec 17) back as of 30 days after 2 Dec 17 aka 1 Jan 18. I didn't receive those hours so...
  17. gustas


    Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
  18. gustas

    Constantly paying for hours and not receiving anything at all

    Hello everyone, experienced a weird thing. Well, I've been botin' since mid November, with one account most of time. What happened you can see in the pictures (Links/images provided below) I've been recently paying to receive some hours of the service and nothing happened at all, once 2$ were...
  19. F

    Resolved Hours disappeared

    Hello community! I have this issue. So, yesterday there was no problem with my runemate account. Today, when i logged in i found this (pic nr 1) . How in the world i got to -207. Yesterday i checked and it was only -7, with allowed number at 700 hours. Today when i log in somehow 200 hours...
  20. derpyk

    Resolved Where did my extra hours go?

    Good Afternoon, Just to start off with - I do love RuneMate and have used it a lot, so I purchased extra hours (Looked at the Billing FAQ multiple times before and after to make sure that my money is not wasted). I purchased another 200 hours after the free 200 hours was used up, I just...