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  1. W

    Question How to check Essence Pouches

    Hello fellow programmers! I've been searching the forums for a way to check the degradation/contents of the various essence pouches for runecrafting but I've come up mostly empty handed. I found an older post saying that the varbits for essence pouches have been removed back in 2018 or...
  2. S

    Question Ban Evading Best Practices During Bot Development

    While creating my own bots and reviewing those that are open source/on github, I've noticed a varying amount of randomness employed by these bots and ended up questioning, "What are some best practices to be aware of when creating bots to avoid an account that uses it from being banned?" It...
  3. I

    Bug How to develop with standalone installation

    /Edit, i figured this out but don't know how to delete the post...
  4. R

    Bug IntelliJ / RuneMate bot directory, not loading bots on the client

    I just finished pushing my first finished bot to SVN. I had to mess around with some things in SVN and now when I try to run my code from IntelliJ, the RuneMate client in sdk mode it doesn't show up with my bot anymore. I have checked that my directory is set correctly, here are some images...
  5. 420k

    420K OSRS Flax Spinner BOT JOURNAL

    Okay, so I've been wanting to set up a spinner for OSRS flax using VisualRM and I have to admit I know next to frig all about what I'm doing. I've been using Slim Spinner which I find is a great little bot but it does have it's quirks, such as getting stuck at the top of the stairs. I've been...
  6. binaryantidote

    Question JavaFx WebView

    Is there any way to use WebView ?
  7. K

    Question Npc interface help

    Hello, I am currently developing a bot that will cut mahogany at the hardwood grove in karamja and then bank these logs using "Rionasta" the NPC. I am struggling with developing the interface for him. My java knowledge is not super. The right click action needed is "Send-parcel". Thanks any help...
  8. R

    Question Debugging and testing

    I am a complete noob here. Can a dev explain their process of testing/making changes and running bots. For example: Build project. Click run Spectre -> Spectre boots up and logs in. Select bot from list. Run and test bot . Make changes to script. Rebuild script. Refresh bot list Run bot. ^^^...
  9. silencep44

    Question Trouble trying to publish my first bot.

    Trying to publish/make my first bot ( a basic draynor willow woodcutter). But I have some troubles, when trying to run my script locally I get the following error (50 % of the time) : Found this from 2015 whitch is the pretty much the same problem but I didn't find a solution there: Bug -...
  10. silencep44

    Resolved Why do I get this error?

    When I try to push my bot, I always get the following error. Been trying to solve this for a while now. Locally my bot works fine, so I tried to find the cause in the manifest without succes. Whats the problem here? I created my bot using mostly 'Snufalufugus' Tree bot guide.
  11. nullifer

    Request Scala Support

    I'd be extremely grateful if you were to add scala support to the bot store. I ended up spending a while getting it to work, and will probably end up making open source bots in scala either way, but It would be cool if I could publish them to the bot store. Thanks for all your hard work...
  12. nullifer

    Question Program scripts in scala?

    Scala is a language that runs on the jvm and is interoperable with java code. I'm pretty sure I can compile it to java byte code class files. Can I use scala to develop bots for runemate? Has anyone done it?
  13. J


    Is there anyone out there working on an LRC mining bot? Last request was in January, so I'd just liketo throw the idea out there again. EDIT: OK so basically a good Living Rock Cavern bot will go down fally mine to the living rock caverns, and mine "Concentrated Coal" at level 77, and...
  14. stuxgeek

    StuxGeek's Development Thread

    In this thread I'll be posting all my bots with a detailed explanation on the bot. This thread will also contain future updates per bot and will also give updates on what changed in each version. I'll be using the thread to provide a structured view on all the bots. Links to the bot store will...
  15. creativeself

    Tutorial Difference between checking for Null/Validity

    Was in the Developer chat and @Aidden explained the difference between Null/Validity checking. Here is an adaption of the conversation: When you get an object from the game, you store that item in memory (RAM), if the object didn't exist in game, the memory location will therefore have nothing...
  16. doppelganger

    UltraDungeon ~ development thread

    THE BOT IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE FOR TESTING (ALPHA VERSION) ON THE SDN! Some of you may remember me from various other sites (rsbot, rsbuddy) under the nickname 'Alla'. I've been absent from the whole botting scene lately as I've been busy with a hectic university life. However, now I'm back and...