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  1. theokaygatsby

    Gatsby Skilling Activities 0.6.3

    Tasks that require a bank are denoted with an underline and will require you to start near a bank or otherwise specified location. Agility - Prif: Bot will run laps around Prif rooftop. Start close to or on the course. - Rellekka: Bot will run laps around Rellekka rooftop. Start close to or on...
  2. tzbob

    TzBob Edge Cannonballs 1.2.0

    Makes cannonballs in Edgeville, supports ammo mould or double ammo mould. Start the bot in Edgeville bank.
  3. cuppajava

    Cuppa Smelter AIO 1.1.23

    Smelt anything at many different furnaces. Supports bars, jewelry, glass, cannonballs and everything else. How to use: start the bot near the furnace to use optional: have a coal bag in your inventory if using it select desired options and click "Run" Supported Locations: Edgeville Furnace...
  4. cantseemehomie

    OSRS OSRS Smelting + Cannonball Support

    I strongly believe a lot of players will benefit from this bot considering it is an effective money-making method. I would also gladly pay out of pocket for this to be made. Game type: Old School Bot Type: Smelting (furnace) Game Type: Old School Bot Type: Smelting with Cannonball support...