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  1. freearmourtrimming

    OSRS Whos to say......

    ...that Jagex doesn't have a Runemate account? I mean if I were in their position I'd put somebody on reconnaissance of every botting platform out there. Especially ones that are open-sourced. They'd have access to known bugs, what the bots are capable of, and a look at the conversations on the...
  2. A

    How reliable/Bannable are direct input scripts

    So the past few days I've been looking into a bunch of scripts that I might end up using on the long run for building accounts or actually using on my existing accounts and Im no expert by any means but when I tried these scripts for example: Auto RuneScape Phosani's Nightmare Mate I loved the...
  3. itzjbc

    Botting test for 2023!

    Hey guys :) Thought I'd spice things up for 2023 and gives some updates, If anyone gets intrested on the progeress I'll keep updating:) 1st account- 1-55 wc, 1-75 fm, 2nd account, 1-41 minning, 1-35 wc, I'll keep posting and will upload photos on the updates if anyone is intrested! much...
  4. O

    Macros Won't Work on Runelite?

    Just asking around if anyone knows because I had the brilliant idea of setting up my old school bot with a Macro to record the mouse and keyboard input and its not working on the Runemate Spectre client but it works otherwise. I used a macro to set up the settings like the loot table for a bot...
  5. S

    Very impressed with Runemate + Scripters ... Botting since 05'

    I just gotta say, I had never seen this bot until this week, I've been playing, botting and macroing OSRS since 2005 on and off of course. And WOW... I'm really impressed. The client is great, the free scripts are great, and honestly, I'm just amazed I haven't been banned. I've lost many...
  6. sich

    OSRS ⭐ OSRS / RSPS Private Scripts ⭐ ✅ SICHOLAS.COM ✅ ❤️4 Experienced Devs ❤️

    bump bump bump bump bump bumpo Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bumpo bump bumpo bump bump bump BUMO bump bump BUMP bump
  7. rsvoid

    200M 07 GIVEAWAY

    200M OSRS GIVEAWAY! How to Enter: Sign up to the Forum here Read this forum post GOOD LUCK! bump Giveaway is now at 250m! get entered and join the discord for an active marketplace guys!
  8. rsvoid


    RSVoid Market Cheap Memberships ⚡Fast Affordable Services Proffessional GFX Buy and sell Gold with the best rates Get Your Sponsorship and Advertise today 500M in giveaways on the discord Join the RSVoid Market Discord Server!
  9. E

    OSRS Is RS better at detecting bots?

    Hey guys, Since Covid-19 broke out I was bored, so I decided to download Runescape again. May 20th I made my OSRS account, made it member and trained some skills. During the day I just played, doing tasks etc. At night I botted Woodcutting. I've botted one night willows in Edgeville and...
  10. H

    Question about botting

    i just started my bot adventure in member but could someone know if i should take break because my bot ive been running for 12h now and its not a bot that do like cannonball or stuff like that because i know those are like suicide bot. Do someone could tell me if its better to take brake for...
  11. O

    Bug Bots won't work

    hi i have a problem with paid version of regal miner after getting a whole inventory of ores i have to manually bank the items it will just stay in the spot until i go to the bank, then it will take me back to the mining spot no problem i have the full paid version, any help greatly appreciated...
  12. A

    Banned - what did I do wrong?

    Hello, sorry if this is the wrong place to post. Please let me know if it is. Basically, last year I recovered a 10+ year old account of mine on osrs. I had been playing Runescape for a while and was interested in botting and how it worked, so I decided to try it out. I downloaded runemate...
  13. patressxd

    [Selling] VPS for botting

    See image for more details or contact me on discord: patressxd#4085 bump bump
  14. slimzera

    OSRS I love Runemate!

    What should I bot next after 99 hunter? Money > exp.
  15. sirbottery

    Ironman HCIM can we break 2k total by botting?

    Getting back into OSRS after botting a fully maxed RS3 account in just under 6 months of in-game time. Now I've decided to just see how far I can bot a HCIM as another "alt" account which I already have two alts usually afk doing gargs/abby demons anyway. Will probably update on either weekly...
  16. therevelo

    How to start botting?

    Hey, i recently started botting but only made 250k in the last days. Could you give me a few suggestions or antyhing how to start botting? Thanks.
  17. B

    Giving bots membership

    Background on myself, I'm relatively new to the botting scene and am wondering how you guys give membership to your bots. I've heard people use bonds but do you guys just use a bond on a bot or do you transfer gold to a mule and distribute membership?
  18. B

    OSRS Acquiring membership

    Kind of new to the farming scene, was just wondering how you guys go about adding membership to your bots. Do you guys straight up just buy membership online? buy membership cards? add bonds? if you use bonds do you log onto another account and use them directly on the bot account? Really dumb...
  19. M

    Resolved Max Hours Reached

    so I had used all my hours up, and it says that I now have 50 hours left to use again, and it's saying i'm still at my limit for botting hours when I only have 150 hours used now please help!!
  20. O

    OSRS Banned after 5H botting.

    I get banned after 5H running MaxiWoodcutter PRO... ps. last time when i botting i used other programs. = NO BAN.. and free bot. now i find this runemate and i buy bot = BAN. its ok this is only game... +ps. never use this program again. </3