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  1. W

    Resolved Client keeps loading forever

    I installed the program using the Standlone version, but when I log in, it keeps loading indefinitely. I have windows 10 and got installed the last version of java (Version 8 Update 131) Whenever I enter, the client looks like this http://oi66.tinypic.com/21dekgz.jpg And It shows the next...
  2. W

    Bug Problem installing on windows 10

    Yeah, I always run it with admin rigths I finally installed the program using the standlone version, but now it keeps loading forever and can't add instances.
  3. W

    Bug Problem installing on windows 10

    When trying to install the program, it closes itselft after downloading the 56 mb of the java TM enviroment. I tried a lot of times but the problem it's still going. I already tried uninstalling java an then running the program, but it doesn't work. If somebody knows why is this happening...