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  1. J

    QuickCook [Deleted]

    Does this bot support urns?
  2. J

    QuickHerblore PRO [Deleted]

    Hey man you should add in ground mud runes and then this bot would be the best!
  3. J

    ApexCooker PRO

    Why are there no portables?
  4. J

    QuickMiner PRO [Deleted]

    not %100 sure but i can look. even if that is the case can you just use presets 1-4 if they are setup by user?
  5. J

    QuickMiner PRO [Deleted]

    So it's probably my fault but i/m mining concentrated sandstone and i have all 4 types on my actions bar but it wont use action bar to drop them...
  6. J

    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    full health
  7. J

    Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

    Hello, Just a quick question and its probably me. Why is the only course i have available to run is ape atoll? Also it might be an issue with setting up the break manager but i didn't think you had to set that up to run it. I get to the start of ape atoll and then it immediately logs me out...
  8. J

    Bug Runemate won't open on mac

    Last login: Mon Feb 20 19:41:44 on ttys000 ********-MacBook-Pro:~ **********$ /Applications/RuneMate.app/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub ; exit; Error: could not find libjava.dylib Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment. logout Saving session... ...copying shared history...
  9. J

    Bug Runemate won't open on mac

    Hello, So my Runemate was running just fine until late last night. Now when i go to start the client it just bounces once on my tool bar and then goes away and never opens the client. I have looked at several youtube videos but to no success. I'm using a mac and can't seem to figure this out...
  10. J

    Resolved Client not working

    Hello, So this is my first time using this batting app. I got the maxi cooker pro. Maybe I am not setting it up properly but i have filled out all categories and it just keeps telling me that an "unexpected error came up" right after it charges my .05 cents for the first hour i never even got to...