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  1. Z

    Hexis Wintertodt

    Smoked after an hour and a half..
  2. Z

    Vorkath Mate

    This script has been running flawlessly! Here's the logs.
  3. Z

    Vorkath Mate

    I switched the shield and it solved that issue, now the only thing that that is occurring is that sometimes it will not switch back to dcbow after slayer staff had to manually switch it a few times. Thank you for such a quick response.
  4. Z

    Vorkath Mate

    Figured out why it would tele out after climbing over rocks, it would pull a already used pot and under the minimum venom restore it was at 4 doses so it would not run. Now my issue is it sets up quick prayer for protect from missile and goes in and dies... quickly. Is it supposed to switch to...