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  1. picklewizard

    Gatsby WC Guild Oak Planker

    msgd on discord
  2. picklewizard

    Gatsby WC Guild Oak Planker

    ah ok it was just a thought, maybe in the future. I don't even have the plank sack yet lol. I'm just testing out the plank maker now, and I am having an issue where it deposits the logs but wont close the bank interface.
  3. picklewizard

    Gatsby WC Guild Oak Planker

    your a champ! need like 60k oak planks so this is a huuuuge help! not sure if this works but would adding support for plank sack/log brace work? chop logs fill log brace and inv, convert to planks, fill plank sack, empty log basket, convert to planks, bank, repeat?
  4. picklewizard

    Gatsby WC Guild Oak Planker

    it deposited my axe from my inventory and ran back to trees with no axe. would be great to add support for leaving the axe in the inventory.
  5. picklewizard

    TzBob Constant Chop

    doesnt cut redwoods :/ 04/05/2024 22:28:41 | Starting bot. 04/05/2024 22:28:42 | Bot running, player is logged in. 04/05/2024 22:28:43 | ERROR | CHOP TREES | 6x | Interact action "Chop down" not found for game object "Redwood tree". 04/05/2024 22:28:43 | An error has occurred, auto login has...
  6. picklewizard

    Mikes Mage Bankstander

    hey when high alching is it supposed to right be right clicking the high alch? and then right clicking the item to cast high alch? i mean it works but its not very human like
  7. picklewizard

    AIO Farming

    the bot keeps getting stuck in a loop teleporting from house to ardougne after an 8 hour session i came back and saw this not sure how long it was doing it for but it did it yesterday as well. stopped the bot and started it again and it worked fine?