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    Cerberus Mate

    Can you add the spec to use the spec orb please? will be really helpful!
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    Dan Summer Garden

    Please add support to bank pet, tp lady doesnt tp you if you have pet out, got a pet mid sleep and wasted 3 hrs of botting just stuck at tp lady saying "please pick up your pet"
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    Almost every time it goes to the Ardy house north of the church it throws an exception and shuts down.....
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    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    Sure, but I looked away from the computer for less than 5 minutes, came back and grimy herb was gone and no reduction on the amount of swamp paste (so no tar was made). Doesnt mean it did it on purpose, maybe misclicked it when dropping other fish, but it did get rid of it.
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    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    So yeah, it does clean both and drops the extra. Solution I found so far is having 1 cleaned and 1 grimy on the inventory before starting bot correction: it still eventually drops the grimy herb..
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    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    I usually do and it cleans the herb and drops the rest. I could be wrong so I will do it again with all grimy herbs to be sure, ty sir (next time that i restart bot, i just restarted it after the 5 mins where it stopped)
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    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    Overall works good, but if i leave multiple of the herb (in case it fails and makes the tar) it drops the extra herbs, but when it fails and makes the tar then the bot itself shuts down instead of banking to get more herbs.......... Usually it happens once every 2-3hrs but this time it happened...
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    Dan 1.5t Teak Woodcutter

    As it is a commonly used place, could you add a "hop world after X time" option? Would be greatly appreciated, great bot btw!
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    Does it support ring of suffering (r)? Nvm, it does support ring of suffering, could you please add it to list of supported? Does it recharge it?
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    Necks Kalphite Queen [Deleted]

    Does it require hard diaries? I've tried with having 2 ropes in inv but first message that popped up was that needed achiev diaries. Bot did die when attempting to kill it, so not too sure on proper gear setup that is compatible with bot, please clarify
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    Prime NMZ

    coul you please add support on both versions for the use of super combat pots please?
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    Hexis Slayer Assistant Lite [Deleted]

    I only use basic client, no runelite. Yeah, it detects cannon is there but picks it up then places it down again and again, so odd.. I've tried also removing the ornament kit I had on cannon to see if it was due to only supporting basic cannon but issue still remained
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    Hexis Slayer Assistant Lite [Deleted]

    Bot will constantly pick up and try to set up cannon, over and over again... And even despite not using cannon, it's not drinking prayer pots or ranging pots and not using special attack....
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    Hexis Construction

    that could be the case on the code but thats what happened. I ran it for about 25 min then decided to set it to end at 1hr, but only stopped at about 1h25, and not first time I notice that happening sir. And at no point in time I paused the bot. next time I see that happening I'll try to...
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    Hexis Construction

    need to fix bot stopping timer. when it's not set at beginning, the stop timer apparently takes the current operation time and ADDS the stop timer that was input, instead of being "the time at which bot will stop". either that or specify that it will be added on top of current time as...