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  1. nic cage

    Mikes Tormented Demons

    Updating this to say it looks like it was an error on my end. seems to be working fine now cheers any chance to add holy wrench support for ppots/restores saving purposes?
  2. nic cage

    Mikes Tormented Demons

    14:51:54,00:01:24 [INFO ] [Mikes Tormented Demons] [ TormentedDemons] Restocking minimum food to start new fight occurences 2 from Coordinate(3094, 3489, 0) 14:51:54,00:01:25 [INFO ] [Mikes Tormented Demons] [ TormentedDemons] Restocking minimum food to start new fight occurences 2 from...
  3. nic cage

    Mikes Tormented Demons

    Hi Mike, doesnt seem to be withdrawing restores. just gives me an error and says out of ppots - any ideas?
  4. nic cage

    Daz Grotesque Guardians

    can we add fairy ring navigation?
  5. nic cage

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Almighty cuppa, I have some q's. 1) Does this script support log basket for pit trapping 2) can we get an option to gather x amount of log before trapping? as currently it wants to tap then chop one at a time. 10/10 would buy again
  6. nic cage

    Fight Caves Mate

    Alrighty I think you've done a great job with this. It took me 4 attempts total to get the cape, but the first two were likely user error on the set up. What I have noticed is that it will miss a flick on occasion during the 50+ waves (when trying to flick between all styles) So as long as...
  7. nic cage

    Hexis Wintertodt

    Hey mate, with the new update today it seems to be spam clicking the burma log instead of actually fletching. 00:01:02 DEBUG [FletchLogs] Executing task 00:01:02 DEBUG Hovered SpriteItem(name:Bruma root, quantity: 1, index: 3, origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt. 00:01:03 INFO...
  8. nic cage

    Bug Cant start script after update

    my most recent log is dated 3 days ago, however i have used the bot for around 30 hours in the last 3 days
  9. nic cage

    Bug Cant start script after update

    On todays update, after completely uninstalling and re installing client, I cant get any scripts to run. It just stays on the "loading screen" after you've chosen your script and hit start. Just wanted to register the issue. Let me know if there is a workaround. cheers
  10. nic cage

    Cuppa Pickpocket

    Hey man thanks for the reply. Only thing I am now noticing is it runs to shut the door for ardy houses on the same tick as they open. That's fine and all, but for leagues the door is being opened quite a lot and my character is the only one of about 50 people who actually moves to close it...
  11. nic cage

    Cuppa Pickpocket

    Just want to say mate this bot is excellent. I use it often in the main game as well as it working flawlessly in leagues' - It's even clicking the relics? not sure if that was an intentional update but 10/10 Edit didn't read the post above, but thanks all the same
  12. nic cage

    Resolved Didnt get credits I paid for.

    Hi, I was charged for $10 worth of credits which came out of my account, however is not reflecting on my Runemate account. What can be done about this? Edit: resolved
  13. nic cage

    Regal Wintertodt [Deleted]

    Got 99 fm in 5 days using the random breaks and doing some quests in between to seem less bot like. Didn't have a single issue the whole way, thanks for making it easy. 10/10 Used cakes the whole way, didn't die once
  14. nic cage

    bought 2 x 100m great service as always i only ever buy from this bloke

    bought 2 x 100m great service as always i only ever buy from this bloke
  15. nic cage

    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    hadn't used any bots for 16 hours and use this for 15 minutes and caught a ban mid fishing and got logged out so...
  16. nic cage

    3 Tick Fishing Mate

    2 day ban within the first 10 minutes at shilo on trouts/salmons Dont use
  17. nic cage

    Used his service again for a fire cape and $5m credits - Highly recommended

    Used his service again for a fire cape and $5m credits - Highly recommended
  18. nic cage

    Divine Magics [Deleted]

    Xp counter seems to not be working Edit: client restart fixed this
  19. nic cage

    Bought 75m osgp via pp Quick & Painless

    Bought 75m osgp via pp Quick & Painless
  20. nic cage

    Bought $10 rm credits, took like 3 minutes. great service

    Bought $10 rm credits, took like 3 minutes. great service