Seems to work overall but doesn't drop burnt Bass. Spelling of this item in game is "Burnt fish". This is a shame because now I can't leave my desktop without dropping all the Burnt fish every now and then. Would be great if you can update the script to also drop these!
Really glad this bot is...
I picked the preset shop Keldagrim (Ordan) and put the buy until shop between range from 30 to 100 but it just world hops, opens shop, doesn't buy anything, close shop and change world. Not sure if it's a bug or if I'm missing something.
Game Mode: RS3
Link to wiki: Logout button
Summary: Randomly moves the mouse / right clicks / left clicks on inventory/stats. This is done every 30 seconds - 4 minutes (randomly) to prevent the player from loging out.
This could be usefull for stuff like the current event where the player pretty...