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  1. R

    Prime Barrows

    any idea why? am i doing something wrong?... hey man, so im 43 prayer and iv set it to two prayer pots it take with it each trip. but as soon as it digs the whole it goes through all the prayer pots. any idea what im doing wrong?
  2. R

    Prime Barrows

    iv got 48 prayer, why does it go through all the prayer pots (2 vials, 6 doses total) as soon as it gets down to fight a brother? like it doesnt even wait for the prayer to go down it just jugs all the prayer pot.
  3. R

    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    btw im noticing bot is doing 2 kills a trip now when permissible. THANK YOU
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    after a kill when the bot goes to turn off prayer it clicks x prayer on and off a few times. just a heads up :] love the script. question, whats the longest youve run it NONE stop ( no breaks) 2 hours for me :]
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    Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

    came back and it says cant withdraw occult or brimstone boots, and theres no brimstone boots in sight lol, any idea where they went? i checked the preist she has nothing. occult is missing too??? so weird. where did it all go? O:
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    Regal Motherlode LITE [Deleted] [Deleted]

    hey bud, used your bot to get 40 gold w/e worked great, but after todays game update everything went downhill, keeps saying variable null no matter which side of the mother load i tell it to mine at, thanks in advance. :][
  7. R

    Divine NMZ [Deleted]

    i always disable refill coffer, i double checked coffer and it has 200k in it so thats not it. i love your script, any idea why it shut down? also can i get a refund of 6 cents? :[ im noobly.
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    Awesome Agility LITE [Deleted]

    any bans yet as of late? if not whats your intervals for breaking? looking at using for polli course. thanks.
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    Divine NMZ [Deleted]

    hi i was trying to set up the bot for it to work and i kept thinking that the absorption drop down menu each numeric unit means (1) dose not 1 (4) dose vial. so bot kept shutting down because there wasn't enough absorption for next instance. or something along those lines. can i get a refund for...