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  1. patressxd

    OSRS Selling Tutorial Islands

  2. patressxd

    OSRS Selling Tutorial Islands

    sure, pm me
  3. patressxd

    OSRS Selling Tutorial Islands

    Starting from 60k gp each. 3 Packs available. 1400 accounts in stock. Check the image or pm me for more info
  4. patressxd

    OSRS Selling LVL80 Ranged accounts Cheap

    All accounts have 80 ranged, the defence ranges anywhere from level 30-45. Price is 30M GP or 20$ PayPal or Bitcoin. Message me if you're interested. Accounts still available
  5. patressxd

    OSRS Account almost ready for Zulrah

    Message me on discord: patressxd#4085
  6. patressxd

    [Selling] VPS for botting

    See image for more details or contact me on discord: patressxd#4085 bump bump
  7. patressxd

    OSRS [Selling] Completed Tutorial Island Accounts *CHEAPEST*

    Starting from 60k gp each. 3 Packs available. 1500 accounts in stock. Check the image or pm me for more info bump bump
  8. patressxd

    Resolved Sponsorship

    well buying any followers is cheap,not only instagram ones. But that doesnt mean im buying them.
  9. patressxd

    Resolved Sponsorship

    I would like to promote this site and I have a large following on Instagram, would it be possible to get sposnored?