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  1. G

    Alpha Nature Runner [Deleted]

    Done a review on this before, but i'd like to add a few things now this bot has made me many mills. It's a great bot, really great infact. However babysitting is required because of the following things: - Pouch repair - can't call follower whilst to the left of castle wars chest, will just...
  2. G

    RuneMate 2.0 Spectre

    People need to chill. It's done when it's done. ETA's are for businesses that pay people money to deliver a product. We're receiving this for free. People have their own lives to deal with on top of dealing with some edgy members of community. Runemate is still up and working, I'm botting right...
  3. G

    Resolved Where ma credits gawn?

    So I bought $5 worth of credits for a bot. All well and dandy on that front. But I noticed my credits have, vanished? When using free bots, such as MaxiWoodcutter. I've probably lost $3 worth of credits now using free bots.. Now unless i've misread something in terms and conditions or...
  4. G

    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    Doesn't pick up rope and/or net when hunting swamp lizards! Update please <3 edit: thios was in Darkscape, on both swamp lizard spots
  5. G

    Ironman Abyss Route [Update to Nature]

    Hello there! A little request to those making the Abyss bots. Considering Darkscape gold is worth more than the others adding this route could be worthwhile (Considering the new DS bank update) items: - Would be great to see massive pouch added! - Ring of duelling Now, going through the...
  6. G

    If you're not banned and have paranoia..

    Well, there's no way to tell for certain how they do it, until someone from jagex, spills the beans. But, personally, i think it's all about how many flags have been raised on your behalf! Just anything to keep them off your back! even if it's that quest you've been holding off or something...
  7. G

    If you're not banned and have paranoia..

    I tend to have paranoia quite often, I've got my own reasons, but I do like to call it 'reasonable paranoia', stuff that should perhaps be worried about. From off and on experience over the years, doing average minimum 10 hours a day, apart from client downtime and real life stuff getting in...
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    MaxiThiever [Deleted]

    Master farmer isn't working
  9. G

    MaxiSuperheater [Deleted]

    Great bot! very effective, major levels done in darkscape with this beauty. So I thank you for that very much. However, I'm having to babysit this script, as i've noticed two things it does: if it right clicks whilst withdrawing 'x', and happens to miss and doesn't click anything, it'll stay...
  10. G

    Alpha Flax [Deleted]

    The just bowstrings option, doesn't work. Gets stuck at the bank in taverly, will get there and back with an inv full of flax however.