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  1. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    My promotion worked. He fixed it. GG
  2. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    enjoy your promotion. you are welcome
  3. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    I pay you in witty comments.
  4. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    get promoted to executive and get ta fixin*
  5. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    This is the error message shown in the java console 2018-11-29 13:50:16.942 java[36152:2928641] *** Assertion failure in -[NSEvent _initWithCGEvent:eventRef:], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppKit/AppKit-1671/AppKit.subproj/NSEvent.m:1969 java.io.IOException: Server returned...
  6. B

    Bug Runemate stopped running right all of a sudden

    Same, it started happening after Runescape servers were brought down for maintenance.