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  1. K

    VisualRM [BOT] [Deleted]

    Yo man are you planning on updating this? This is literally the best bot and now i cant create any new scripts. Legend for creating and hope you're good bro. almost a year since an update. stay safe x
  2. K

    VisualRM [DEV] [Deleted]

    Hi guys, I am just looking for the varbit for wintertodts energy bar (OSRS)... I have found multiple container ID and child for this, though these do not work as the Varbit integer. Am I right in assuming this is Varbit or is this an interface component? I just basically want the bot to detect...
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    VisualRM [DEV] [Deleted]

    Is anyone extremely familiar with this script and able to help? Basically I've been trying to create a wintertodt bot but for soloing. So obviously this goes a bit beyond just wintertodt botting. I basically want the obious functions.. (chop brume, light brazier, fletch brume roots, fix brazier...
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    Regal Wintertodt [Deleted]

    Wassup brother, insane bot. I actually haven't even thought of using this bot before but so so good. A lot better than some I have come across. Is there any possibility for you to create a solo mode? Where you start by lighting all four braziers, then after about 50% it focuses on two braziers...