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  1. K

    Question Best/Fastest way to perform NPC selection

    Ok this is probably what it was, because it would happen when the local player wouldn't move. Also, I had previously added an Execution delay but edited it out for brevity to protect CPU. What do you mean one action per loop? Cloud -- could you elaborate on the proper, definitive way to select...
  2. K

    Question Best/Fastest way to perform NPC selection

    All I can't tell if it's the runemate api or my code that is just quite frankly causing long pauses between NPC selection (in a combat bot). private Npc selectNPC() { Npc toAttack = Npcs.newQuery() .names("xxx") .within(Area) .results()...
  3. K

    Question Having trouble launching my bot in Spectre

    you fix by changing jre path under run config to the jre from the runemate install folder
  4. K

    Bug Ring of Dueling Teleport

    Hi, with all due respect, I know it's not being executed -- that's exactly my problem.
  5. K

    Bug Ring of Dueling Teleport

    Hi, not to be mean but I already said I am using the same code as in the link I provided. RuneMate Version: v2.84.5 Affected Games: OSRS Code Used: SpriteItem ring = Equipment.newQuery().names("Ring of dueling(8)").results().first(); if (ring != null) { ring.interact("Duel Arena"); } The...
  6. K

    Bug Ring of Dueling Teleport

    I have the exact same problem and exact same code as this thread: Bug - Equipment Interactions - broken? There is no interaction with the ring. It opens up the equipment tab but will never interact with the ring of dueling.