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  1. G

    Bug bugg

    do people even have half a brain on this forum
  2. G

    Hexis Slayer AIO

    Also, i noticed the bot isnt properly hopping every time lately noticed this happens almost every time when fighting Abyssal Demons in the Catacombs, the bot just crashes people, they get mad, report you etc.. Could you look into this?
  3. G

    Hexis Slayer AIO

    right now there seems to be an issue with npc contact bot will withdraw runes, close bankinterface, then does nothing, even if you manually click the npc contact spell bot starts to go through the dialog when manually selecting duradel in the npc contact interface if this is not a common...
  4. G

    Hexis Slayer AIO

    is it possible to create a premium + version of this (just costs more) which may include Bird House Runs or Farm runs?
  5. G

    https://www.runemate.com/community/threads/jagex-launcher-fix.22675/ here bro

    https://www.runemate.com/community/threads/jagex-launcher-fix.22675/ here bro
  6. G

    RS3 Safely bot on your Main

    yes i but it during the summer event, im currently on a break of runescape tho
  7. G

    Banned on RS3! Any tips ?

    not really, the rs3 bbs is so shit, that you can easily bot 16h a day, he probl just used a broken bot
  8. G

    Anti-Ban Chat idea

    Lmao... what kind of bot is it? Like skilling or pure combat?
  9. G

    Anti-Ban Chat idea

    What the fuck Gengsta??? Does that Account still live?
  10. G

    RIP java client broken

    im pretty sure aswell, that they stated at some point, that they dont support the java client anymore
  11. G

    RS3 90% botted account

    what did you/currently use for woodcutting? :)
  12. G

    do it

    do it
  13. G

    RS3 Safely bot on your Main

    Hello and Welcome to my Guide on how to bot safely to not get your Main banned in Rs3! We all know that the Runscape-Anti-Bot-System is more shit than my english-grammar, but that doesent mean you can bot 24/7, so lets get straight into my Guide! Playtime: You should always think about...
  14. G

    RS3 [Visual RM] Fling Frenzy Fishing

    yes this is true, you should babysit
  15. G

    RS3 Skilling bots which support Invention?

    Good Evening! Just wondered if anyone knows a skilling bot which supports invention (like automaticly siphons etc). doesent matter if its combat or just normal skilling. I've tried out like 20 different bots now and no one did support it, thats why i am asking here :) kind regards
  16. G


    mind your own business
  17. G

    VisualRM [DEV] [Deleted]

    Anyone knows how to check if an enitity is near and move to spot/move camera?
  18. G

    RS3 [Visual RM] Fling Frenzy Fishing

    *updated*, will upload to visualrm site later
  19. G

    RS3 [Visual RM] Fling Frenzy Fishing

    it kinda is, but like every 30-40 min it looses all stacks, im thinking of reworking it again (idk what i mean with rework - that script is literally 7 blocks long) i mean adjusting the times lol
  20. G

    RS3 [Visual RM] Fling Frenzy Fishing

    Hey, Here is a Skript for Visual RM to Fling fish at the Deep Sea fishing Hub. Requirements: 94 Fishing Xp/h: alot Frenzy Fishing.json - AnonFile You should be standing at the South spot, not at the north one Imgur