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  1. F

    Regal Lava Drags [Deleted]

    Is this working? Does it avoid pkers?
  2. F

    ApexCrabber PRO [Deleted]

    Can this please support other food? As a lower level ironman I need support for trout and salmon.
  3. F

    Question Is RuneMate Any good?

    Ban rates here are much MUCH lower than every other botting site. I also love how they charge per hour so in a way you own all the scripts and just pay when you need it. The only downside is that for whatever reason the script quality isn't the best and you have to really do some research to...
  4. F

    How to Report Dead Bots

    Could you point me out to a decent tutorial? Everyone I find on visualrm is not completed or scattered around.
  5. F

    How to Report Dead Bots

    Yeah, it's a bummer. Runemate is awesome because the ban rate is so low. Clearly, they're doing something right. But the scripts are mostly broken and the higherups are toxic as fuck.
  6. F

    Tutorial Report Outdated Bots & Inactive Bot Authors Here

    Bot Name: Prime Pest Control 1.3.0 Bot Author: Party Bot Author Last Activity: Forum Thread: Prime Pest Control Description of Issue(s): Randomly gets stuck at boat once on the island where you fight the pest. And sits out the whole game and will do it again and again after that until you...
  7. F

    How to Report Dead Bots

    Half the bots on market are broken. Don't think admins or mods give 2 fucks. Good luck.
  8. F

    Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

    A good majority of the scripts on runemate are totally broken. You have a bunch of scripts. You could make a killing if you maintained them all and charged a little for your efforts.
  9. F

    Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

    Awesome thanks. Again please consider charging for most of your scripts. The market is slowly dying and you have a big corner of it. I absolutely think it's fair for you to be compensated for your effort.
  10. F

    OSRS quester.

    Good luck. Most of the bots on here are broken anyways.
  11. F

    Awesome Mining LITE [Deleted]

    Honestly bro, charge like .06$ per hour of use. You gotta put all your time into making it and maintaining it so you deserve some compensation. Just get this script running right and get some money. There's hardly any working miners on the market.
  12. F

    Do any of the OSRS Miner bots work?

    Yea I tried that one but when it runs to the bank it kept clicking back on the mini map and would just go back and forth. Dead giveaway it's a bot. Would probably work in power mining mode. I'm just shocked that there isn't a proper miner for runemate.
  13. F

    Do any of the OSRS Miner bots work?

    I've tried just about all of the Mining bots for OSRS and they're littered with bugs and are all mostly garbage. I love Runemate because the ban rates are much lower but holy shit the script quality(with a few exceptions) seems very poor.
  14. F

    Ironman VisualRM - Official bot request thread

    - GameType: OSRS - Skill: Combat - Description: Kills cows in pen next to Al-Kharid, collects hide and tans it while running to bank in Al-Kharid - Requirements: Light combat stats, coins. - Notes:
  15. F

    Worth trying again?

    I'm restarting with runemate. Used to be on osbot but they're clearly detected or something. Maybe Jagex threatened to sue them and shut them down so they agreed to rat out a certain amount of people or something? And the whole attitude there is "lul git gud kid bans happen".