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  1. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Seems like banking actions are inhuman levels of fast. Seems like this could be something to raise suspicions over. Anyone else notice this? (especially with deposit all of X action)?
  2. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    How would you script an area loot? interface condition --> loot all? having some trouble with this so any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Is there something wrong with casting spells on game objects? I'm trying to cast Crystallise on acadia trees but it just bypasses actually clicking the spell and clicks the tree over and over? I've tried cast magic on and cast ability on, neither work. Edit: I had the spell on my ability bar...
  4. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Any plans on adding familiar support?
  5. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    @tyb51 "Take" works perfectly now! great work
  6. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Hm yeah left the action blank but it's still not clicking. Thanks for the help tho, looking forward to 0.05 :) Weird how the only ground action is examine?
  7. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Using the special interaction node with Click doesn't seem to work either .. hmm..
  8. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    @tyb51 ive now made the most simple version of the cave nightshade script. its just supposed to query if theres a cave nightshade ground item, if yes, Take but it just cant. is there an issue with the Take action? Tested the Take action outside the cave with Oak logs, doesn't seem to be working...
  9. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    I used Take, my point was I used Take and other variations such as Take Cavenightshade yet none worked so far.
  10. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Getting this error when running the herblore script java.lang.StackOverflowError at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at sun.rmi.server.MarshalOutputStream.<init>(MarshalOutputStream.java:66) at...
  11. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Thanks for the reply! I've managed to reconstruct the bot using the flow you recommended and the Ground item/Game object condition node, it all runs smoothly except the final part where its supposed to pick the Cave nightshade. I defined the cave nightshade as a ground item, and Take as an...
  12. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    Thanks for the reply :) I'm still a bit stuck but ill show you what ive got so far, problem is as soon as i use a traversal action, i cant take it further since theres no "out". I know its a big ask but any help would be greatly appreciated, love the bot btw!
  13. E

    VisualRM [DEV]

    How would you make a cave nightshade picking bot? I've tried but I'm a bit stuck with the traversal. Walking from castle wars to point A Walking from A to B Entering cave picking cave nightshade But I seem to have trouble... any help would be much appreciated