Any trusted questing services? Whether here, or on other sites?
I saw one guy on Scythe with a ton of vouches, but he wanted 150M to finish RFD on a maxed account that has dragon gloves already + 120QP.
Is that fair? It seemed a tiny bit high to me, especially given that there are quests like...
Have any of you botted to 99 prayer, or at least 80+?
If so, what bots have you used?
I was going to use the free gilded altar bot, but right now it pauses exactly 15 seconds every trip before entering the portal. Hopefully the 30 minutes I ran it won't cause me any problems, but going for 90...
Question for you all:
I've only botted NMZ the past few months, and have maxed all combat stats. With maxed Combat stats (Prayer not included) I have under 950 total level ... but if this account is going to be useful in any way, shape, or form I have to complete some quests.
I f$&%ing hate...