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  1. energy

    RS3 Buying clean account [Name login, 10year vet]

    I am looking for a skiller Hey wanting to buy a clean old account, name login and 10 year old. Don't mind if it has leveled in something though. WITH clean I mean no levels gained. If you think that I am going to interested in something that perhaps may not met my reqs but still is pretty...
  2. energy

    RS3 Skiller from scratch - [The comeback]

    Hey! Let's see what a oldtimer can accomplish! Thought it would last longer atleast... @Savior - Sorry bro, there is no way for me to make up for the bond..
  3. energy

    RS3 Favour

    Hello, I need a bond, currently f2p, I will repay you 11m back for your effort. You may ask yourself how will you repay? Well I am f2p with no cash and alot of expensive memb items in bank. So I will sell it and you shall recive a 11m with 1m profit instantly. I am a good guy and we can talk...
  4. energy

    Suggestion Ban request "EvilCabbage"

    I shall not stand this anymore, it has gone way out of line. Proof 1: Proof 2:
  5. energy

    RS3 Runemate's #1 Skiller Progress [The Resurrection]

    As you all know, I had a skiller that I really unlike others keept updating about. I shared my journey with you guys over a course of 1 month, where I showed my accomplishements on the skiller I made striclty by suicide botting more or less. Many people appriciated seeing the constant promising...
  6. energy

    RS3 Energy's Powerlevel Crib

    Hey, I am gonna start a little powerleveling service and see where it goes. Skills supported Thieving Fletching Fishing Mining Woodcutting Cooking Attack, Strength, Defence and HP (only accepting people with 70+ stats in all these and 5m cash stack) Firemaking Magic Observe! I will bot...
  7. energy

    Suggestion for scripters

    Hey so now when we have the 23 hour restriction I think it would be a good idea if everyone implented a break-session, so basiclly in every GUI you have a option to choose a specific run time "3, 6, 9 hours". So when you choose one of these options the script will run for that amount of "chosen"...
  8. energy

    Resolved Scripts tends not to be shown when added to the client.

    Have had this problem for a long time, looks like some scripts does not respond on the bot store when getting added to the client. It says it's added however when trying to run you can't find it in the script selection menu. @Cloud @Arbiter
  9. energy

    EDungeoneering a complex reality

    CHECK IT OUT NOW! www.runemate.com/EDungeoneering In co-operation with famous script writers with great knowledge, we have gathered a team were we are creating the most complex and advance script up to date for the Runescape botting scene. If you think iDungeon was something, then this is...
  10. energy

    The music that inspires us

    I am creating this thread in purpose of expressing yourselves trough songs. What are you listening to right now? And what song touches your heart the most, the songs that make you stop with whatever you're doing and just makes you lie down... Stare with empty sight in the ceiling... Thinking...
  11. energy

    Resolved Error when starting scripts

    Worked awesome yesterday, woke up this morning, tried multiple script but got rekt at an instance. Error window pop-up, and script stops. Here is some swagger code. (08:58:39) at a.mm.const(erb:206) (08:58:39) at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.region.GameObjects.getLoaded(lub :58)...
  12. energy

    RS3 RuneMate's #1 - Skiller botting progress

    Currently achieved skillcapes with RuneMate! [/U] [/SPOILER] What I currently am working on! [/SPOILER] My Supporter Homies:
  13. energy

    RS3 Energy's goal to 99 in WC/FM

    Hello guys! I am gonna attempt to get 99 woodcutting and 99 firemaking by using the MaxiWoodcutter's bonfire option. Here comes the stats as of now: Nothing beats maximum security cautions :).
  14. energy

    Woodcutting proggy

    Dat 5 hour proggy. 2014.12.20 report 2.0 2014.12.23 report 3.0 2014.12.26 report 4.0 2015.01.01 report 5.0 2015.01.02 FINAL REPORT Achieved!