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  1. P

    Phoenix Plucker [Deleted]

    paulsamaroo submitted a new resource: Phoenix Plucker - Plucks Phoenix bird feathers for Super Antifires Read more about this resource...
  2. P

    RS3 Ophidian Incubation (Moneymaking)

    Hey guys, is there a bot which can cast Ophidian Incubation? This is a nice moneymaking method since incandescents are clearly no longer good gp/hr
  3. P

    Is there any Divination Bot that has been updated?

    Looks like all of the divination bots are broken since the update. Any updates in progress from anyone? I'm seeing that GalaxyDiv bot actually can click on the area for converting to memories, however, the others don't know where to click. But GalaxyDiv refuses to convert after a few minutes...
  4. P

    RS3 How do I fully secure an account I purchased?

    Hi ^
  5. P

    Question How do I prevent jagexcache from being installed in OneDrive?

    I believe this is the problem that everyone is having regarding the AgentInitializationException error. I've denied accounts access to OneDrive, and disabled it, however, when trying to reinstall runescape, it fails to install because it's automatically pointing to OneDrive to install...
  6. P

    Resolved AgentInitializationException

    Hey guys...I was getting the "game client failed to bind because of agentinitializationexception" error thingy...so I uninstalled all java versions, and runemate, then reinstalled runemate and let it install the 32 bit version instead. However, I still get that error when trying to launch a bot...
  7. P

    Bug OS X Cannot Launch Runemate :(

    Hey guys...I'm looking for any insight on the current issue i'm having; I'm trying to launch Runemate.app on my hackintosh, however, I cannot seem to get it to work. I've also tried running the embedded jar file (RuneMate.jar) using terminal, and that isn't working either. I get an error message...
  8. P

    RS3 anyone know how to NOT gain HP when fighting in wilderness?

    ^ Nevermind...figured it out XD SOLUTION: The solution is to go to combat settings (the gear icon to the right of the skills bar), and on the bottom right section, there should be a checkbox which will allow you to NOT gain XP in PVP situations :D
  9. P

    Is there a divination bot like this?

    is there a divination bot that changes location as you level up?
  10. P

    Resolved Do all mining bots do this?

    Hey guys...I realised that when a bot has to interact with an object, it never left clicks, but rather right clicks and then selects the correct option. For example, when mining, it always right clicks before clicking "Mine". Doesn't this seem NOT human-like? If I remember correctly, the...
  11. P

    RS3 Suggestion for all Divination Bot Authors

    Hi guys...quite a few times, I have experienced where the bot will enter the cache on several occasions, and then struggle to get back out. I have a simple suggestion for all divination bot authors; instead of making the bot right-click to select an option, let the bot left-click the Energy...
  12. P

    Resolved Botting limit should only apply to non-dev client

    Hey admins...shouldn't the botting limit only apply to non-dev clients? For example, if I want to develop a bot, I can't do so until my timelimit has ended. Wtf man :/
  13. P

    So since PestControl is pretty much dead...

    ...what is the next best way to level up combat stats? RS3
  14. P

    [RS3] Any news on the following bots?

    Hey guys...just wondering if anyone is working on the following bots: Dungeoneering Slayer Pest Control
  15. P

    Anyone else having problems with Div Bots?

    Hey guys, I've come back to Runemate after half a year or so (and Runescape in general), and decided to do some Divination to make some gp. I'm doing divination on Incandescent wisps, and I've noticed that all of the bots on the store have the same problem where they become extremely inefficient...
  16. P

    Bug Instances keep popping up...

    Instances of client keep popping up when bots are running, hampering my productivity, outside of runemate. Can someone let me know if this is a common issue, and if there is any way possible to fix this? Running on OS X Yosemite
  17. P

    Most profitable bot atm?

    ^ Post your thoughts below! RS3 only please For me, I used to use Alpha Fighter, on Gargoyles (getting 2M+ per hour) before Spectre. However, ever since Spectre, I am now just left with Divination as my last resort. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have high combat stats...and...
  18. P

    Bug So...they said mac os x supported...

    Is it just me, or is it not working yet? Just curious :) Please don't beat me up kthxbai
  19. P

    Resolved Failed to bind to virtual machine because of a AgentInitializationException

    Failed to bind to virtual machine because of a AgentInitializationException Java was installed by Runemate. So it can't be an issue with wrong version of java etc.
  20. P

    RS3 how long?

    how do I know how long I have left before my 1 week trade ban is over, after being temp banned??