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  1. negrita

    Request Easier automation integration

    @Arbiter Use case: I want to schedule my bot to start at 2pm every day via Windows Task scheduler via a powershell script: I could use something as following: (this in my opinion is already too cumbersome. but it's managable) $gameMode = "osrs"; #"osrs" or "rs3" $username = "Negrita"...
  2. negrita

    Request Another italian fix

    Can RuneMate be setup to always "run as administrator" on Windows Vista and beyond? Would help a lot of people who aren't familiar with Windows UAC. Use case: (the not tl;dr - 09/02 - 10pm EST @ slack) @Cloud
  3. negrita

    Suggestion Foum emoticons in dire need of update

    :);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:oops::eek:(y):rolleyes:(n)o_O are crap. We need some better ones. RuneMate's competition is doing a lot better job in this field.
  4. negrita

    Request Current priorities and future features

    Dearest fellow RuneMate users, I'm wondering what the development team is currently working on and what future features are planned to be picked up next. If someone could give me some insight into it, I would greatly appreciate the effort.
  5. negrita

    Suggestion Store - Sort by rating (Low priority)

    Ability to sort the store based on rating of the bots. Plus display the rating next to the number of users. It would help people to find the best working bots easier. I'm aware that there's a lot of shitty incorrect reviews out there. Sort by User does something similar I guess (since a bette...
  6. negrita

    Implemented Look into this error

    A lot of users have been posting the following error recently. I took a look for 2 users, and twice runescape was installed on a different drive then C:\. When installing the Runescape Java client, it doesn't offer to choose a directory, it just picks your default one. The issue can be...
  7. negrita

    OSRS Fire cape - 5M

    Doing fire cape (entire cave) for 5M or Jad for 500K. You need: +80 range +65 def +43 prayer God d'hide or better (gear gude: TzHaar Fight Cave/Strategies) Blowpipe (plenty of scales and mithril or higher darts required) if you are 75 - 80 range, the price is 6M If you are below 65 defence...
  8. negrita

    Question Finding F-key binds for OSRS

    Can we somehow query whether Escape to close interfaces is enabled Which F-Key is bound to which ControlPanelTab Wanted to make sure I'm not overlooking anything in the API. Before I look up the interface components. thanks,
  9. negrita

    Negrita's Lunar magic [Deleted]

    Negrita submitted a new resource: Negrita's Lunar magic - Casts Lunar spells Read more about this resource...
  10. negrita

    Suggestion Mouse overlay

    @awesome123man recently implemented a mouse overlay in his bots. i like the feature as you can see where the mouse takes weird inefficient paths. Thinking this could/should be a toggle feature within the client to enable a mouse path overlay.
  11. negrita

    OSRS My first RuneMate 99 (fletching)

    Usually I don't go for 99's. But I had sufficient bot hours left around a week and a half ago plus a laptop laying around doing nothing. Decided to get 99 fletching on a spare account. Got it running @Mmaaikel's Mmaaikel's Fletcher for 8-15 hours a day.
  12. negrita

    OSRS Some bots that have been requested in the passed

    If someone needs an idea: Cannoner * attack/ranged support * world hopping support Efficient dragon killer (green or blue drags) Altar fighter (fights using quick prays, recharges at altar nearby. E.g. chaos druids in wild) Rev caves Tithe farm Cballs smither
  13. negrita

    RS3 Selling 14 year old account -

    Selling an RS3 account that recently got unbanned (the offenses are actually removed from it). This account has been botted on long ago. I am the original owner of the account. Accepting Paypal, RM credits or OSRS gp. Last login: Hans: I'm not willing to give you the recovery information...
  14. negrita

    OSRS Botting in private area's

    Does anyone have any experience with botting in private instanced area's? What's your thoughts on it? I have an account (i don't care too much about) with access to the private chin area, debating on how long I should bot in there.
  15. negrita

    OSRS Buying climbing boots bot

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: Climbing boots Summary: Start in blurtophe, talk to Sherpa to buy boots, bank (with or without game necklace) in blurtophe. Required stats: death platue completed Required quests: death platue Required items: coins Other notes: Make up to 400K an hour. I can...
  16. negrita

    Bug OSRS Shop.buy

    RuneMate Version: 2.47.3 Affected Games: OSRS Code Used: If I have 7 free inventory spaces and I call buy("", 10), it will retry an infinite amount of times to buy the item. Due to the lack of documentation, I assumed I had to provide "1", "5" and "10" as quantity due this being the only...
  17. negrita

    RS3 Selling old pure with 99 hunter

    I'm the orginal owner. No authenticator attached. E-mail registered is mine (can be switch to yours during transfer). Recently unbanned. +-3.5M in wealth on it. Accepting Paypal, RM credits or OS rsgp Please only post offers or questions relevant to the account.
  18. negrita

    RS3 Selling old SOA account - 10 year vet - 94 range & mage, 91 fishing

    I'm the orginal owner. No authenticator attached. E-mail registered is mine (can be switch to yours during transfer). Recently unbanned. +-1.5M in wealth on it. Accepting Paypal, RM credits or OSRS gp. Please only post offers or questions relevant to the account.
  19. negrita

    RS3 Selling 10M

    Selling 10M RS3 gold. Paypal only. bump
  20. negrita

    Negrita's Herblore cleaner [Deleted]

    Negrita submitted a new resource: Negrita's Herblore cleaner - Cleans Grimy herbs Read more about this resource...