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  1. H

    OSRS 2004scape

    any bots for 2004scape coming soon?
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    Question Help credit

    Hi just bought ghe $20 credit option but didnt get redirected back to u guys thro paypal also emailed u guys thru email provided on paypal thanks.
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    OSRS My gold

    How can i sell goldfarmed gold to my customers with the lowest chances of ban rate for them. Thanks
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    OSRS Help anyone

    So I got my maxout accounnt permenently muted in 2020 during the corona and was wondering the best route to take or any ideas.
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    OSRS Mikes Lava Runecrafter

    the bot doesnt know i have earth runes in my rune pouch and keeps putting earth runes in my inv slot when i have some in my runepouch thanks love the bot getting 76k+ rc xp! thanks @michael5555
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    Mikes Lava Rune

    only gettting 42k rc xp hourly with mikes lava rune bot am i doing something wrong lol
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    Guardian Rift

    sup guys was wondering best settings for 75 rc guardian rift using the cuppa version thanks.
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    OSRS Runecrafting Bot

    Ok just want some advice on RC bot what route would you take to 99 RC if you didnt care about making gp but you dont want to spend gp.