Hey guys, is there an actual list of what bots are removed per updates ?? I noticed today that regal thieving and smart agility are both gone.
I used these free bots daily and they worked flawless with no bans. Is this because they were unsupported or what’s the deal with removal ?
Never really cared until i started using paid bots, but randomly the client will just end all sessions and logout with a message " logged out due to inactivity ".
i was logged into 3 different session all paid about 10 minutes into them and bam it just logs out. This has happened more then once...
hey all, i've been botting for months now & never and issues then all of a sudden i get this error message out of nowhere ...
is the system down right now ?
i have uninstalled,installed restarted PC nothing works. it does work with runelite. ive turned off firewall settings, but it makes no...
so is there an actual way to track this free usage ... i signed up for 3$ supporter with 300 hours .. used all those so i purchased 6 dollars for 600 hours and it says ive used up the 600 hours even though i only used 300 according to the tracker.
i paid 9 dollars total ( 3 then 6 when 300 was...