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  1. J

    OSRS Chinning and Barrage bot (mm1)

    a bot that does prayer and combat reset every 10 minuts. Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: -------------- Summary: Start at any bank. Take a monkey gree gree, teleport and 26 prayer pots. after you take the items you have to go to monkey madness dungeon. When you are there wear your gree gree so...
  2. J

    OSRS Molten glass supply buyer and craft it.

    This is really handy for ironman's, so what does the bot need to do. Buy supply, soda ash and bucket of sands from the charter. Turn it in to molten glass with lunar spells. Then craft it into the highest as possible. sell it . and world hop.
  3. J

    RS3 A Banshee / aberrant spectre bot for the real ironman

    from this NPC's you get a lot of herbs, and decent money.. what do you want more:D Maybe a nice project for @auxi ?:D
  4. J

    RS3 Hardcore Ironman progress

    hello:D my english isnt very well, but i am making a HCIM progress with screenshots. progress 1: Yesterday i made this account. and i want to fully botting it. let's see how far i come. My goal now is to earn money for feathers. to train my fishing to 40. after that i will catch alot of...
  5. J

    RS3 This is what we need!

    Boyzzz and girlzzz, I have a list to complete my account as a maxed skiller account. This list is a list of bots that runemate not has, or bots that are broken. Thieving bot. Construction bot. Mining bot (powermine granite ore with banking / runite ore with world hopping) Crafting bot...
  6. J

    Question Working on a construction bot.

    Hallo, I am new with writing a bot. but i going to try it anyway. i have a small set up: public void onLoop() { if (atCastleWarsBank()){ if (canTeleportToHouse()){ teleportTohouse(); }else { if (Bank.isOpen()) { Bank.withdraw(Oak...
  7. J

    RS3 Gilder altar bot (skiller friendly)

    I need a gilded altar bot that is skilled friendly, i got the money for 120 prayer. so i get combat 15 with 120 prayer. isnt that nice. Castle wars(with rod)/burthrope tp Bank and take bones + herbs + teletab tele to house Burn the candles and offer the bones on altar. and repeat. Alot of...
  8. J

    RS3 Searching for a private Charm spirit hunting script

    Dear sir/madam, If you are a good script writer PM me. We talk about the price and the script that i need. Thank you,