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  1. vyxionn

    OSRS Urgent - 15yr Old Account Banned - Advice Needed

    Here's the scoop... My 15yr old account has just been banned. It had over 500m xp rs3 and 100m osrs. I hadn't played this account in 3-4 years, but I gave it to my brother. He just sent me a text today telling me that he was banned and that he didn't know autoclicking was bannable. Turns out he...
  2. vyxionn

    Resolved Runemate has run out of accessible memory

    I haven't seen this problem come up lately, but after running Slash's NanoDG, I get the error after an unknown amount of time from half an hour to 10 hours of using it. What can I try doing to fix the issue? Thanks
  3. vyxionn

    Bug Mouse lagging

    Can't tell if it's the Spring Fayre bot that's causing this issues, but when the script is running (Playing) my mouse will lagg and hop around. It's almost as if my gaming pc, with a shit ton of ram, is a potato... Is this a Client issue or a bot issue? I'm using it to do the prayer dancing.
  4. vyxionn

    RS3 I'd like to play and bot Runescape at work!

    Hey guys! I know the topic has been covered by a variety of people, but a lot of the methods discussed were not feasible. Ultimately I'd like to start running two RS3 bots from a VM (Virtual Machine) That I could log onto from work. My home network is very fast, but my work internet can be...
  5. vyxionn

    Resolved Out of hours - Error

    Runemate is telling me that I'm out of hours. I'm currently paying as a supporter and for an additional 4 hours per month, for a total of 700hrs per month, but I'm getting the error of having used 267 hours of 200. What gives? Thanks.
  6. vyxionn

    RS3 Life after the first ban

    Hey guys. Has anyone had any experience with botting on their RS3 account after getting the first ban? It was a 48hr ban and it happened 6 months ago. Anyone had any success or horror stories from it?
  7. vyxionn

    Rejected The Shoutbox

    I'd like to make a suggestion to improve our shoutbox. Some features... 1. The ability to @tag someone. (Would be nice if this could be done by clicking on their username. 2. The ability to add stationary and moving emoticons, like Kappa, Doge, Bird, and so many meme faces. 3. A larger storage...
  8. vyxionn

    RS3 Prifddinas Waterfall Fishing

    Game Mode: RS3 Link to wiki: Prifddinas Waterfall Fishing Summary: Fishes at the Priff Waterfall. If it could use Rod-o-matic and disassemble + make a new one for invention exp, that'd be OP. Required stats: 93, 95, or 97 Fishing for Small, Medium, or Large urchins. Required quests: Plagues End...
  9. vyxionn

    Question Finding Animation IDs

    Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to use the developer tool to get the animation IDs on Tormented Demons for a prayer switcher. Could anyone tell me how to do this? Thanks! @Aria @Party @auxi @Anyone who might know how.
  10. vyxionn

    RS07 Ironman - To the Moon or Bust

    Hey guys! I'm looking to start an RS07 Ironman that is 100% botted. I will be making a progress thread taht is regularly updated should I choose to go down this path. I have not botted RS07 before, but I've done plenty of botting on RS3 on several ironmen, and I've got some questions. If I get...
  11. vyxionn

    Resolved World Hopping in RS3

    @Party I remember that you said you had fixed the world hopping issue and that it would be implemented in the next RM patch, but two have gone by and it still doesn't seem to be corrected. Has it been implemented yet or was it just not fixed properly? I'm talking for any bot that utilizes RS3...
  12. vyxionn

    RS3 Gladius Massacre

    Hey guys, Would anyone be up for taking on a Gladius killing bot? The only tricky part is that they stun you. Game Mode: RS3 Link to wiki: Money making guide/Killing gladii Summary: Bare min: Start at the place you'd like to kill Gladii. Have freedom on the action bar, inventory set with...
  13. vyxionn

    Resolved Deleting Runemate Cache

    How do I delete RM cache? Someone suggested that I try that for a world hopping issue, but I'm not sure which folder it's under. Thanks!
  14. vyxionn

    Bug Unable to start a bot. UTFDataFormatException

    The modscript that was requested arrived in a format that is unusable because it triggered a UTFDataFormatException. java.io.UTFDataFormatException: malformed input around byte 131 at java.io.DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInputStream.java:656) at...
  15. vyxionn

    RS3 Harpoon Buyer

    Game Mode: RS3 Summary: Start at Catherby bank, run to fishing shop, buy 28 harpoons, bank, and repeat. Required stats: None Required quests: None Required items: Coins Could anyone write a bot that buys the harpoon stock at catherby? Stock quantity is 1,000. This would be a monumental update...
  16. vyxionn

    RS3 Granite miner with ports

    Game Mode: RS3 Summary: Start out in the granite quarry with an inventory of signs of porter and one porter equipped. Must also have an enchanted water tiara equipped if you don't want to die of thirst. Mines granite until it empties wielded porter. Once empty, equips a new porter and resumes...
  17. vyxionn

    RS3 Pyramid Plunder

    How about a bot to do Pyramid Plunder? XP is great and there's the chance of getting Sceptres and Black Ibis. Any takers?
  18. vyxionn

    RS3 Hardcore Ironman Moneymaking

    Hey guys, I'm looking to compile a list of HCIM moneymaking methods. No combat methods allowed unless it's impossible to die, while using a combat bot. If the method currently doesn't have a botting method, that's ok. The purpose of this thread is to talk about methods that can be implemented...
  19. vyxionn

    Input needed! College student looking to make $$$ Gold farming?

    Hey guys! I'm just another broke-ass college student looking to make ends meet. I own a laptop and desktop, and I was thinking about getting into gold farming. I'd like to get as much feedback as possible. Questions. 1. RS3 or OSRS for gold farming? If RS3, what would you recommend farming...
  20. vyxionn

    Bug Failed to bind the game client because of a Exception

    Here's my log: [Debug] RuneMate Version: 2.4.0 [Debug] Java Version: 8u92 x86 (Oracle Corporation) [Debug] Operating System: Windows 10 x64 Oct 27, 2016 12:33:19 PM java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferences <init> WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs at root...