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  1. viewer

    RS3 Selling main account | 2500+ total level

  2. viewer

    We got a new commercial

    With a half-professional look but I did my best :P
  3. viewer

    RS3 Selling decent main account

    Stopped playing on this account since a while, it has reasonable good stats, quest points and a few nice items such as full elite void, penance, ringmaster and ghostly clothes, has a few offences but they're all expired, over 5 years old account. Price: $20
  4. viewer

    More UI color schemes

    @Arbiter wants more color schemes for RuneMate, I have a few suggestions, mind giving me your vote? :P 1) Moth 2) Sea 3) Strawberry Wine 4) Rain 5) OSRS 6) RS3
  5. viewer

    RS3 Botting overnight - 6 hours in 32 minutes

    I was wondering how was my botting progress while I was sleeping, so I decided to record the whole thing and speed it up, there is not much interesting content besides my account training and getting some levels. Enjoy :P
  6. viewer

    Let's improve RuneMate's Web

    I have a dream, a dream where we can make our bots walk anywhere, without manually creating the paths, and hopefully, if I try hard enough, I'll do it. In this thread you can see my current web improving progress and show me your support :D Everybody can contribute though, just don't forget to...
  7. viewer

    Resource Health Manager - Never deal with health methods again!

    As the name suggests, this class will make easier for you to get health methods for you bots, such as current life points, HP percentage, etc, also it has a method to eat any item that heals in your inventory, and you can check if you actually have food too. And the best part, it is compatible...
  8. viewer

    Resolved Expected a numerical value for Player.p2pCombatLevel

    So I'm a member on RS3 and when Im logged in game and I try to open developer toolkit, my IDE console gets spammed with this error message: By the way if the problem is all about retrieving the combat level, just manually get it with this method I made based on the actual game formula...
  9. viewer

    Resolved Error while runing RuneMate on Ubuntu 14.10

    Firstly, while loading game, first thing I notice is that the screen is darker and mouse trail is buggy Then client crashes and I get this error on console: # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007fa1c9a2450d, pid=15194...
  10. viewer

    Viewer's Manifest Generator [Deleted]

    Viewer submitted a new resource: Viewer's Manifest Generator - Because you can't be arsed to write it by yourself Read more about this resource...
  11. viewer

    isInCombat - relative or not?

    So after a recent polemic discussion about if there is a true meaning of "isInCombat", I've decided to do some research on online dictionaries to find the answer and this is what I found: From http://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/combat "Combat is fighting between two groups of armed forces..."...
  12. viewer

    Resource RuneMate Manifest Generator

    I've made this tool to make the process of making XML manifests for your bots funnier, maybe it's useless but an UI makes everything more awesome. So here's the main interface: Nothing different from Cloud's XML Manifest Tutorial, but I'll explain things anyway: Main class: Your bot's main...
  13. viewer

    Resolved Exception when selecting an equipment item in developer toolkit

    Only tested in RS3 (05:06:02) Error at update(Object) (05:06:02) java.lang.NullPointerException (05:06:02) at a.Vn.float(dhb:151) (05:06:02) at a.Vn.float(dhb:118) (05:06:02) at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.hud.interfaces.InterfaceComponent.float(rmb:94) (05:06:02) at...
  14. viewer

    The curious case of the chocolate bar

    So I was debugging some foods on RS3 when I found out a very interesting thing An item in specific, the chocolate bar, shows that it is actually a shield equipment, and it is (so far) the only non-equipment item that makes the shield slot glow and stays on it for a few seconds when you drag...
  15. viewer

    Resolved Broken Npc#getLevel

    (09:37:57) Error at update(Object) (09:37:57) java.lang.NullPointerException (09:37:57) at a.BK.break(hkb:252) (09:37:57) at a.BK.break(hkb:1) (09:37:57) at a.hm.getLevel(vpb:73) (09:37:57) at a.rk.break(dgb:78) (09:37:57) at a.rk.break(dgb:725) (09:37:57) at...
  16. viewer

    UI not translated words

    Decided to create this thread to report words that are not translated in UI ____________________________________ Phrase: Please be patient Where: During reflection mapper queue position screen Phrase: Thanks for using (script name) Where: After you stop a script, under RuneMate logo on top of...
  17. viewer

    Viewer's Basic Auto Fighter

    Current features: Eats anything that can heal you Fights inside a specific area radius Loots anything with option to prioritize loot over combat and you can also set a minimum quantity to loot an item Option to bury looted bones or scatter ashes Drops accidentally looted items Good human-like...
  18. viewer

    Resolved ConcurrentModificationException

    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" (06:42:44) java.util.ConcurrentModificationException (06:42:44) at java.util.ArrayDeque$DeqIterator.next(Unknown Source) (06:42:44) at a.sP.render(xtb:86) (06:42:44) at a.wJ.paintComponent(qhb:211) (06:42:44) at...
  19. viewer

    Resolved Weird stack trace

    Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" (10:36:20) java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException (10:36:20) at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$MethodHandler.invoke(Unknown Source) (10:36:20) at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ControllerMethodEventHandler.handle(Unknown Source)...
  20. viewer

    Resource isInCombat for RS3

    A bit more specific than it would be for OSRS, maybe I'm complicating it too much but atleast it works :p private static List<Actor> getLoadedActors() { final List<Actor> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.addAll(Npcs.getLoaded()); list.addAll(Players.getLoaded())...