This is a great moneymaking method, you need only to do the quest "Tai Bwo Wannai Trio" for it. Is it possible to create a bot for it?
It is not 1m an hour anymore but still around 350k an hour
Is there someone who can create this bot?
Is there a bot author who can write a bot for it?
Since there is no good working runecrafting bot for OSRS, can someone with some spare time make one? I think a lot of 07scapers would be glad to see it :)
Account is banned one time for botting, so it has a warning on it. Has no money on it, but got some great stats.
(The red stats are between 1 and 25.)
What can I ask for it in OSRS Gp?
(Username login)
(about 8 years old)
Started this account 24 days ago. Only using the new runemate spectre. Botting to test how far I can go, with botting max 5 hours a day. Going to buy membership in the future
Used scripts:
Celestial Fisher
Alpha Fighter (Beta)