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  1. flextroci

    Credit Giveaway

    Quit so giving away my remaining credit (It's 6.17 but probs wont let me send the .17 so it'll more than likely be $6) Reply whatever the fuck you want and I'll pick a comment at random when I can be bothered (this week at some point) c:
  2. flextroci

    RS3 Selling perfect starter main (over 2.2k total)

    15 year Vet. Has Scythe/Bunny ears and various other random shit you'd expect from a 15 year old acc. I'm not original owner but I have the info. It didn't have a registered email when I bought so I registered it with a new gmail. Seller is a very trusted power seller with over 5000 vouches. Acc...
  3. flextroci

    RS3 Cleansing Crystal

    The one in store doesn't work, and the author is inactive so it'd be great if someone else could release one! Cleansing crystal is fairly simple, you buy it (5 of them) from the monk who only has one option which is trade, and then click the crystal thingy which is like 2 tiles away. Each...
  4. flextroci

    RS3 Simple Combat Script

    Well with Auxi leaving and removing AuxiFighter I’m pretty screwed, so I’m willing to pay for a VERY simple version. It does not need to target ANYTHING, as it’s auto retaliate. It needs to do the following (so I can use in various places): -Drink Aggression flask when expired -Eat when...
  5. flextroci

    RS3 Buying mainworthy Acc

    Buying main worthy acc: 130+ CB is a must. (Unless 99 summ and lower CB) 2k+ total Didn't realise how cheap RS3 accs are so I may aswell buy one for the project I need it for. If anyone is selling one then lmk and I'll hit you up with credits or whatever. Trusted/known users ONLY.
  6. flextroci

    RS3 Buying 200m RS3 - $25

    Just in case someone gets desperate. Buying 200m $25. Bump :D
  7. flextroci

    RS3 Buying 100-200m

    Title says it all. The site i've always used is quite high atm and there's many cheaper out there. Happy to use others but cba with them pissing about asking for ID etc etc.. So if anyone here has some they want to sell then HMU. If not I'll use pie. Thanks
  8. flextroci

    RS3 99% Bot Progress

    Yoyo! So, I started RS3 as an 'experiment' I guess - As I tried to bot OS four or five times and always got banned pretty quickly and could never really get anything going (F2P & P2P)... So I started RS3 to see how far I could get before getting banned. Finally got banned, at 2.1k total level...
  9. flextroci

    RS3 Dung Bot

    Hello I'm sure most RS3 players would happily pay for a Dung bot. For me it is the most cancerous skill to ever exist, and I'd happily pay probably 0.50p/h for a working bot - Plenty of money in it if anyone is able to create one. Nano dungeoneering seems to of worked before, but it just gets...
  10. flextroci

    Resolved Can't log in to RuneMate

    Hey! I've never had this issue before, but I'm trying to login to the PC I always use (after updating RuneMate) and it's asking for my two-step verification, I input the code that I get emailed but it says the code can't be confirmed at this time. What do I do?