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  1. qverkk

    Qve AIO Crafting [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve AIO Crafting - Competing to be the fastest, give me a shot Read more about this resource...
  2. qverkk

    Qve AIO Smelter [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve AIO Smelter - Smelt your future Read more about this resource...
  3. qverkk

    Suggestion Automaticy attach recent log files when exception is thrown

    So as always, we have issues figuring out what an exception might be as there is none reference to any of our code and we can't communicate with users that had the exception cause there is no such a way to chedk what user had it. So is it possible to change the way that exception logs works...
  4. qverkk

    Tutorial Update/Run RM on Linux

    This guide is for people who have problems with updating RuneMate with the default RuneMate updater and for lazy people that want to use an easy way of downloading the standalone version. While reading the guide, you will see an USER which is required for you to change to your username of ur...
  5. qverkk

    Request Add discussion link to bot resources

    There's every other link except discussion thread. Example use: https://www.runemate.com/community/resources/1257/discussion @Arbiter @Party
  6. qverkk

    Slim Wilderness tasks [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Slim Wilderness tasks - Tasks getting easy Read more about this resource...
  7. qverkk

    Slim Wilderness tasks (CONTINUE) [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Slim Wilderness tasks (CONTINUE) - Tasks getting easy Read more about this resource...
  8. qverkk

    Qve AIOFighter [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve AIOFighter (PRO) - Npc's gotta die. Read more about this resource...
  9. qverkk

    Slim Runemysteries [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Slim Runemysteries - Runeterier botter Read more about this resource...
  10. qverkk

    Resolved Powers.Magic#activate() not working

    Basicly it will just hower the Open Powers section in RS3 mode. And won't click on magic ability. Which results in idle time by the bot. It only works when you already have an magic tab open. @Cloud @Party
  11. qverkk

    Slim Firemaker [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Slim Firemaker - Become a real firemaker. Read more about this resource...
  12. qverkk

    Tutorial A simple TaskBot

    A basic TaskBot tutorial Steps you have to do before getting into the code side: Make sure you've properly set your IDE. If not, please visit other tutorials for guidance. (Here's one for IntellIj: CLICK If you want to publish bots to the botstore, you also might take a look at THIS Also a...
  13. qverkk

    Resolved WorldOverview filter broken?

    private void selectNewWorld() { WorldOverview worldOverview = Worlds.newQuery().member().filter(a -> !a.isBounty() && !a.isHighRisk() && !a.isDeadman() && !a.isPVP() &&...
  14. qverkk

    Qve Hefin Agility [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve Hefin Agility - Be like a monkey. Read more about this resource...
  15. qverkk

    Bug Interaction and Traversal

    Whenever a bot tries to interact with some object, and it accidently clicks right button, and the menu is hovering the object, it keeps getting stuck, won't close the menu. And for traversal it would be nice to implement closing bank whenever you're trying to walk. For instance, it gets bugged...
  16. qverkk

    RS3 Farming suicide acc?

    So, i've made a farming bot. And now to test it's features i'll make a farming suicide account to see where it gets to :D Starting point: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Progress: From 22.06.2017 to 23.06.2017: http://i.imgur.com/u1sQzHE.png - Note: Bot got stuck while trying to...
  17. qverkk

    Qve Dissasembler [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve Dissasembler - Turn items into dust Read more about this resource...
  18. qverkk

    Qve Farming runner [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve Farming runner - Farm like you never did. Read more about this resource...
  19. qverkk

    [RS3] Farming runner

    Hey guys. So i've been working for quite some time on this project. Finnaly there's some progress. Lets hope that this will be done soon. Also guys, let me know what idle actions you would like to see in this bot ;) Screenie: http://i.imgur.com/3NhVBaU.png Working: - Herb support - Alltoment...
  20. qverkk

    Qve Thieving Guild [Deleted]

    qverkk submitted a new resource: Qve Thieving Guild - Become a real thiev. Read more about this resource...