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  1. B

    rs3 bot busting

    who got a hit rs3 bot busting? what were u doing?
  2. B

    Question payment

    so just got the message i used 200 hours no worrys put another 200 hours on it so looks like i used 400 hours for this months how does this even work lol makes no sense at all how have i gone over a cap of 200 its a stupid system
  3. B

    RS3 range guild

    its just basic spam range target get tickets repeat/ re equipt arrows say after 10k used
  4. B

    RS3 oak larder

    Game Mode: RS3 Link to wiki: cbf every1 knows what im on about hhaha Summary: just build an remove over and over for xp gains! Required stats:36 Required quests: none Required items: oak planks Other notes: xpxpxpxpxpxp
  5. B

    Resolved client v2

    1.bot taking priority- 2.screen wont go blank after 15mins( not in use)
  6. B

    Bug client

    couple things. bot minamized it takes priority overwhat your doing. allways have to redownload on startup of the bot. why does the bot allways right click?
  7. B

    old account

    looking to recover an old account it does not have an email address whats my best way of doing it
  8. B

    Question new ip help message all the time

    We've detected that you're signing in from a new location, and we want to make sure that someone else isn't trying to access your account. An email has been sent to you to verify your identity.
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    Bug bot or client

    tried a few differnt bots im unsure if its bot or client. some bots will get stuck right clicking and stay idle unless u move ur mouse onto the screen then it wakes up. unsure if client side or bot side <
  10. B

    Bug 2 bugs

    1 client bug- auto update wont 2nd client of the bot will just at random stop working at some time dont know the reason since the last couple updates it scipt working but client stops the bot left loged on
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    Resolved client wont oepn after new patch

    yeh so client wont open up after new patch was downloaed please restart to auto update or manual download..??? i fixed myself
  12. B

    ty jagex

    enough said ty bois