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  1. geashaw

    RS3 92 runecrafting

    See the images attached. 92 runecrafting 70 massive pouches 97 law altar teleports 152k cash Has a throwaway email attached, will give you the email account. Has no authenticator. Post below for interest.
  2. geashaw


    Anyone that has traded with me, leave me some feedback. Thanks.
  3. geashaw

    RS3 Buying RS3 gold

    How much RS3 can I get for my $66 RuneMate credits? Make me an offer.
  4. geashaw

    OSRS Selling $66 RM for OSRS

    $65 for 65M
  5. geashaw

    RS3 Buying RS3 gp for $0.25/M Runemate Cash

    Please reply below if you have the 500m. Got the cash in my wallet. Bump, anyone with RS3? Bump, need a seller! Bump, buying RS3 for $0.22/M Runemate cash. Updated the price to $0.25/M
  6. geashaw

    OSRS Received the permanent ban

    It has been a fun road :( Achievements on the account: Quest cape Nearly all hard diaries Full graceful + a recolour Nearly maxed POH with ornate pool 125m bank (oh dang it, just thought about this...) Latest stats: The ban:
  7. geashaw

    Am I trusted

  8. geashaw

    OSRS ZMI Fundraiser

    I'll start with $25, who's in? Let's find a developer to make us this one !
  9. geashaw

    OSRS Buying pure account creation service

    How much for a fully quested account with the following stats: 40 attack 50-60 strength 1 defence 50-60 range 1 prayer 50-60 mage Quest list: Attack Experience: Death Plateau - 3,000 XP Vampire Slayer - 4,825 XP Tree Gnome Village - 11,450 XP Fight Arena - 12,175 XP Waterfall Quest - 13,750...
  10. geashaw

    RS3 Looking to sell 650m

    I can do swaps for OSRS or payment in runemate wallet. Looking for $0,19/M.
  11. geashaw

    OSRS Rat catching bot | Spices used for boosting

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: Hell-Rat & Spicy stew Summary: Start at edgeville. Go down the ladder with your cat. Interact with the cat and select "Chase-Vermin". Collect the needed spices. Bank upstairs in edgeville. Repeat. Required stats: - Required quests: Started Recipe for Disaster - Evil...
  12. geashaw

    OSRS Buying 50M - $45 verified paypal

    Please post below.
  13. geashaw

    Filter against spam

    I've reported over a hundred threads so far. Can't we (@Arbiter) implement some sort of honeypot/spam filter? "I'm here for botting, not for supplements/health/pills"
  14. geashaw

    Bug Quote the list if you have a dispute/issues

    Do you have more than one account? Do you use a VPN or proxy? Do you have relatives that use your account? Did you purchase them a month ago? Did you bot on more than one account? Did your read the FAQ and find no answer? Did you use the search function before posting? Todo: add more next...
  15. geashaw

    OSRS Upgrader service

    I noticed @Bonaya is doing the same, though I'd like to officially offer this service as well. Bump
  16. geashaw

    Webdevelopment service

    Would you be interested in getting a website made? Do you have a html template ready to implement? Is there a workflow you'd like to automate? As a professional webdeveloper I'm quite interested.
  17. geashaw

    My open source work

    runemate/com/runemate/geashawscripts at master · Erikdekamps/runemate · GitHub For everyone that wants to check it out, judge it, hate on it, take a laugh at it. It's open source and available. Can't find the time to code due to full time work (web dev) and too little patience.
  18. geashaw

    RS3 [2017] Desert phoenix stealer [Super antifires]

    Found three threads from back in 2015: April 15th, 2015: RS3 - Phoenix feather picker September 13, 2015: RS3 - Phoenix feather picker September 20, 2015: RS3 - [Thieving] Phoenix feather stealer Didn't see one finished on the bot store unfortunatelly :( Game Mode: RS3 Link to wiki: Phoenix...
  19. geashaw

    OSRS [RS3GP] Nice starter main

    Selling this main if it brings me enough money. Stats: Bank: Quests: Combat: Graceful set: Account status (one two day ban). Please be sure to only bid in RS3 GP.
  20. geashaw

    Question Account support

    To all developers that need to borrow an account. I'd like to offer you mine through teamviewer. Please post below with this template: Required stats: Required quests: Time when you can reach me: Notes: