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  1. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Buying Powerlevel Service

    Hi, I’m looking to buy 1-80 in all skills except combat, dungeoneering, slayer and invention. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you, Gary
  2. thegaryrobson

    Melee Training

    Hi Guys, I'm sure this has probably been asked a few times so I do apologise. Using RM, what's the best script to use and what's the best NPC to use it on?
  3. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Taverly Dungeon Hellhound Bot

    Hi, If somebody can make a Taverly hellhound bot that supports the agility shortcuts in the dungeon I will pay £20 to the author. I'm looking for a bot that banks automatically in Taverly to replenish food and a bot that can take the agility shortcut if you have the level.
  4. thegaryrobson

    RS3 Ankou [RS3]

    Hi, If anybody has used EpicBot, I'm sure that you may have used the Ankou script. It is extremely useful as it's able to self bank etc. If I had any scripting knowledge I would try my best in implementing this onto RM but unfortunately I don't. Is anybody able to port this? Kind Regards, Gary
  5. thegaryrobson

    Botting Times?

    Hi, I just wanted to ask, how significant is time when it comes to botting? I don't mean the length you bot but I mean what time it is. It may sound silly but as Jagex are based in England, is it safer to bot during night time (GMT) when there's no one in their office? I read about people...
  6. thegaryrobson

    What is everybody's preferred bot?

    Hi, From recent events of the client detection, what is people's preferred bottling client? What do people feel the safest using at this current time?