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  1. zeke do work

    Selling username login, still on tut island

    The account is still on tut island so you can make it an ironman or w/e. Username log in no email, not sure what this goes for, first reasonable offer will win. OSRS gp only please.
  2. zeke do work

    OSRS Automated Firecape Service

    Lets be honest, I'm going to be using a bot to do your firecape. Unlike most people I'm being upfront about it so with that being said.... Required Stats 40+ defence( If you have 1 def we can try it, but the success rate is very low) 75+ ranged 43+ prayer Required Items Toxic blowpipe 3k addy...
  3. zeke do work

    RS3 lvl 135 2000+ total lvl no bans

    Not really sure what this would go for but I'm open to offers. It has never received any type of ban and has an original log in ( not an email). I can provide the location account was created in and original isp. Autowin=120m.
  4. zeke do work

    Question Runemate resource hogging

    Hey after the latest update the runemate client is using up all my CPU and I'm unable to run my bots , I'm just wondering if this is going to be fixed or if there is anything I can do to lower the impact on my CPU like before.