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  1. creativeself

    RS3 Selling Maxed Main RS3

    As the title suggests, I am selling a maxed RS3 Main. Feel free to PM me for more info/images/etc I am open to offers Starting bid: £40 Instant Buy: £200
  2. creativeself

    Bug RS Client Hanging in Lobby

    I am running Mac OSX High Sierra 10.13.4 with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b16). I run runemate from the standalone .jar file and am using the RS3 game client. I can run any bot from the store (providing the bot works), but after ~15-20 minutes I am lobbied and when the bot...
  3. creativeself

    RS3 Maxed RS3 Account price Check

    Can I get a price check on this account, I am aware that I will need to provide further information if I wish to begin a sale. Such information I will only disclose with prospective buyers. Price check would be appreciated, thanks! :)
  4. creativeself

    RS3 Price Check

    Currently on holiday so cannot provide pictures of account, but would it be possible for someone to price check an account for me/how much you'd be willing to pay? I'd provide pictures of bank, stats, offences, etc. to serious buyers when I get back, just looking for a rough outline of how much...
  5. creativeself

    Resolved RAM Allocation by Default

    How much RAM is allocated to the client by default?
  6. creativeself

    C Program need explanation

    This is a program which combines all possible letter+number combinations to a set length of characters. I sort of understand what is going on but the 'bruteSequential' function confuses me...don't quite understand that. Was wondering if someone could explain #include <stdio.h> #include...
  7. creativeself

    Tutorial Difference between checking for Null/Validity

    Was in the Developer chat and @Aidden explained the difference between Null/Validity checking. Here is an adaption of the conversation: When you get an object from the game, you store that item in memory (RAM), if the object didn't exist in game, the memory location will therefore have nothing...
  8. creativeself

    IntelliJ Mac Problem

    I launched IntelliJ today and for the first time it asked if i'd like to receive incoming network connections, so I clicked accept. It starts loading up the project then freezes. There is a progress wheel at the bottom of Intellij saying that 2 processes are currently running, this wheel is...
  9. creativeself

    Creative Seren Stone Miner [Deleted]

    creativeself submitted a new resource: Creative Seren Stone Miner - Mines Seren Stone in the Treaeharn district of Prifddinas Read more about this resource...
  10. creativeself

    Resolved Mac Client - Update Java to latest version, already have it

    As the title says I am launching runemate client through the terminal (want to run a script i made) and it says please update java to latest version. My java is already at the latest version.