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  1. hit my gong

    Why do you blokes pick RuneMate over OSBot

    I've been macroing since 2011 now and powerbot was my go to back in the day, the migrated to RuneMate when I've rejoined OSRS in 2018. Basically to reiterate what others have said, the pay per use, etc and low ban-rate on RM is what is attractive to me.
  2. hit my gong

    Botting from two computers?

    thanks Btw id really like to use your maxi homes script, could u add option for no magic accounts?
  3. hit my gong

    Botting from two computers?

    No like, im asking if i log into runemate again on a separate computer, will it stop my other computer logged in and currently running ?
  4. hit my gong

    Botting from two computers?

    Im currently away from home and have set up a long term script with breaking.. if i log in from another computer, will it affect my script on the other computer?
  5. hit my gong

    Cuppa LavaSteamSmoke Craft-Run(LITE) [Deleted]

    Ah yes, I forgot to add in my suggestion, that people with lunars can use magic imbue. I guess this could be added if it passes beta tests and people are using it :) Thanks for making this Cuppa, love your work as always, will let u know how it goes.
  6. hit my gong

    OSRS Banned? Insta Perm, why?

    What game mode (OSRS, RS3)? OSRS What bots on RuneMate have you used? 3tick fishing, sandstone mining, lunar glass make & Winterdodt for 94-99 (all premium script) What other botting software (Powerbot etc.) have you used previously? I haven't botted in a long time but I was a large member...
  7. hit my gong

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    Cheers, you're a legend mate
  8. hit my gong

    Cuppa Hunter AIO

    No Chinchompas in this one Cuppa?
  9. hit my gong

    CuppaJava Bots

    Imagine dat fully comprehensive Slayer bot tho
  10. hit my gong

    Botting after temp ban

    Would also like to know
  11. hit my gong

    Temp ban, and then continuing (thoughts)

    Ok, so I have a fairly new account, and I made the mistake of botting on it a little too much with free scripts that were good, but well yeah, free and not the cleanest lol... Now I was thinking if I leave it bot free for a few weeks, quest up a lil etc, and then go back to botting a few hours...
  12. hit my gong

    Bot busting ban changed to macro major?

    Oh... I'm really unsure then
  13. hit my gong

    Botting dead?

    Hey, totally understand if you don't wish to disclose... but besides the obvious of mixing up activities, frequently completing a quest or diary etc, and also not going too over kill all the time ( like 12 hr straight etc ) Could you please give me any tips (feel free to PM) As I have botted...
  14. hit my gong

    Bot busting ban changed to macro major?

    I'd believe it is because that account had a ban only 2 days prior.
  15. hit my gong

    OSRS Sandstone Mining (Private)

    Yeah fair enough. I've botted on and off since about 2008 so, I know for a fact its much easier to get banned now. And will just take every precaution necessary. Will I need a card setup immedately and it drains per hour or can i rack up some credit? haha.. Thanks for your help mate.
  16. hit my gong

    OSRS Sandstone Mining (Private)

    Ok cool, ill take a look into. Also this whole c per hour of use of the bot is new to me? Are there no bots that are a one off cost? And the biggest thing is I obviously want to avoid bans, and I can do everyone in my power to do that. But I always used to buy simple private scripts to avoid...
  17. hit my gong

    OSRS Sandstone Mining (Private)

    Game Mode: OSRS Link to wiki: Sandstone mining Summary: Mines Sandstone in the desert and desposits into the grinder. Uses humidy spell when waterskins are low / out. Required stats: 35 Mining (minimum) Required quests: Required items: Desert Gear, Waterskins, Highest Level Pickaxe, (Varrock...
  18. hit my gong

    Cuppa Miner AIO

    Ok, thanks. Seem that's solved the problem because i was viewing on a tablet
  19. hit my gong

    Cuppa Miner AIO

    Yeah, nothing is.
  20. hit my gong

    Cuppa Miner AIO

    Just getting back into it, but I can't view anyone's scripts?