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  1. hit my gong

    Bug A necessary

    A necessary library for your runtime environment could not be initialized Could somebody please help me, I've tried all the solutions that have worked for other people on the forums and I still can't get the client to run... Actually when I uninstalled 64bit and went 32bit it made my whole...
  2. hit my gong

    OSRS Tith farm pro ban

    I've found no issues. Gotten 2 farmers outfits. The bot wasnt working for a while but now seems to be working fine Gonna go for another farmers outfit on my ironman :D Good bot, except the watering can re-filling as mentioned above, and sometimes missing plants and letting them die 4/5*
  3. hit my gong

    OSRS What VPN do you guys use?

    Nord is okay for general browsing and Netflix etc, but I got 3 accounts permed with NordVPN. Like the other guys have said above. VPN IP's are flagged, and Jagex are very unforgiving. I've had the most success botting off my home IP address, although from reading above, I may try a proxy now.
  4. hit my gong

    Question i want help to upgrade

    Is Paypal the only payment option? If so can, you not just make a PayPal ?
  5. hit my gong

    Weekly botting ban results published by Jagex

    It's definitely still possible to bot to high / max stats. I got one account to level 118 combat recently, before going a little gung ho and copping a ban for going like 16hrs a day at NMZ When I was doing 6 - 10 i was fine
  6. hit my gong

    anyone notice the the updated terms and conditions?

    No? What's changed?
  7. hit my gong

    OSRS Castle Wars Ticket Farmer

    Title says it all.. Would be awesome to have a bot made that runs on two accounts to farm Cwars tickets. Cheers
  8. hit my gong

    OSRS Arceeus (blood) runecrafting

    what doesn't seem safe about it ? Have you trialed it at all ? I can't say as I've never used his blood rune crafter but his Library bot is great. IMO
  9. hit my gong

    OSRS Any chance for an LMS bot? :L

    They are currently private scripts I believe.. You'd had to pay for one to be made I'd imagine
  10. hit my gong

    Several accounts for sale.

    I have several accounts for sale. one mid level main. with around 1300 total, firecape, torso, full angler, prospector. etc. one starter iron man. 75 agility. and a couple others. Get onto me if you wanna see them, and throw me an offer. Two are still available, noth normal accounts, get at...
  11. hit my gong

    Resolved Downloading 64bit.

    Haha shit, yeah, I obviously meant runemate... brain fart there.. Will try that. Cheers Fixed it. Thanks a lot
  12. hit my gong

    Resolved Downloading 64bit.

    So when i originally installed runelite, I accidentally installed the 32bit version. Now everytime I start the program it recommends to download the 64bit version, so I have done so several times. However, it does not install the 64bit, it keeps installing the 32bit and continually reminding...
  13. hit my gong

    OSRS Can you run NMZ 12+ hours daily?

    *touchwood* It's all luck of the draw... Account age, if you're monitoring and typing / replying to messages occasionally, quality of the script and time run without breaks (I always recommend breaking every 2 - 3 hours for at least 30 - 60 mins if doing longer run times I also think it's...
  14. hit my gong

    Cuppa LavaSteamSmoke Craft-Run(LITE) [Deleted]

    Yes. You need to manually accept the trades on your main like Cuppa has said. The runners get banned pretty quickly though...
  15. hit my gong

    OSRS Can you run NMZ 12+ hours daily?

    I don't reccommend doing sessions like that regularly maybe once a week a 12 hour session with a couple breaks is okay but even NMZ I wouldn't do that much... I've copped a couple bans from there before when I over-did it.
  16. hit my gong

    OSRS Zalcano bot

    I'll soon have an account you can use to make it if u wish? I'm just lazy to finish SOTE atm.
  17. hit my gong

    Resolved Out of hours but still have credit question

    I used up my 500 hours earlier than expected... I cant afford to buy more hours atm but I still have $17 in my wallet here.. can I not have $5 taken out of that to get more hours to bot Hopefully staff can sort something.. Thank you
  18. hit my gong

    Tutorial Billing and Payment FAQ

    I have run out of hours but still have over $10 credit to bot.. Can i not transfer some of that money for more hours?
  19. hit my gong

    Ban Coincidences - My findings (how to proceed)

    Im not sure but I have a similar thing happen on an account I've successfully botted from level 1 - 1500 + total... Now I'm scared haha
  20. hit my gong

    Used Cuppa AgilityAIO for 3 hours, got 1 day ban

    I must say Jagex also seem to be going through an banhammering people... I must say I used the script to 70 agility and avoided Seers mostly but did like 6 or 7 hours there.. Eventually got temp ban yusing a cooking script. Remember u always run the risk; unfortunately :/