You are checking if the Inventory contains an empty jar -> no -> release. Then it checks if it has atleast one empty jar again and repeats. Maybe you should configure the Inventory condition a bit more
If you have run out of membership and you are maybe still missing some money to buy a bond, just dont log out! Even after your membership has run out, you still count as a member until your next login.
(for those who dont understand the screenshot: i ran out of membership...
So I've stumbled about this now on multiple occasions, reddit,youtube and even ingame. You can find Bots with 120 skillcapes in the skill which they are botting...and its not even rare.
You can check that out yourself, simply go to bot-spots like: Swamp-Lizard, Ascencion creatures etc...
i found an old account of mine which i never really knew i had. i found it while trying several old email/pass combinations which i could remember, but this one does not quite make sense to me?
it says that i got perm banned in 2014 for botting:
Screenshot -...
Hey there,
im new to VisualRM, how do i let my character only attack 1 target after time and then only let him attack after he looted?
nvm, i got this to work with the "Is being attacked" condition
Thanks alot man, i made an Rs3 Ivy bot which makes it look like you would afk (I've set the timer condition to 8-39sec), there wasnt really a working one thanks again for the tutorial! :)
Hey there,
I was just wondering: what was your most delayed botting ban YOU ever got? And on what game was it? (with delayed ban i mean whenever you decided to stop botting but got banned hours/days/weeks after).
would be interresting to know.
Hey there,
I'm looking for an Rs3 Ironman (pref. HCIM) to trade for my Account.^
The Rs3 Variant of the Account got nearly all stats above 80+ (except invention) and over 200 Questpoints. It also got a bossing pet and multiple skilling pets! it also includes multiple Dung items and some...