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  1. G

    RS3 AFK bot request for new event

  2. G

    Rs3's Skill-off event is the idea moment to waste time because xp gain is complete dogshit

    Rs3's Skill-off event is the idea moment to waste time because xp gain is complete dogshit
  3. G

    RS3 Corrupted Ore Smelter

    Title :), would be very cool if a random click timer would be added too!
  4. G

    AuxiAraxxor [Deleted]

    "Maximum Framerate: 13" Maybe this causes you some deaths, but im not sure
  5. G

    Empty Throne Room Agility [Deleted]

    i think its just from runemate's side, since every rs3 bot doesent work
  6. G

    Bug Runemate give me a error

    rs3 bots wont even do anything since today
  7. G

    Bug please look at my payment history, its not even an hour. but i paid for 5 hour.

    everytime you restart a bot you have to pay, if you ask the bot-publisher nicely, he maybe refunds
  8. G

    Just got a temp ban... What should I do next?

    you dont bot
  9. G

    Bot making thread

    Hey there, like a year ago i remember i found this one thread which explains how to make a simple minining bot in osrs which banks and then teleports to the monks church to mine iron (i think). But i cant seem to find it anymore, My Question: Anyone knows this thread or knows something similar...
  10. G

    Just got a temp ban... What should I do next?

    i am talking about the same account, your current account got banned for 2 days for macroing, so the next macroing ban will most likely be permanent.. i have no clue about other accounts, but i dont think they get affected if you use proxifier
  11. G

    Just got a temp ban... What should I do next?

    your next ban for botting will be perma
  12. G

    IS there anyway to buy RM credits VIA BTC?

    yes, just go ahead and contact them on icq!
  13. G

    Question How do i become a bot author?

    If he wants to do just the basic typicall bot, java is completly fine imo
  14. G

    2.95 - Reduced CPU Settings

    This article is actually interesting.. Thanks!
  15. G

    How to bot safely

    I'm unsure of that, i mean i would guess yes, but i have not much botting experience myself
  16. G

    How to bot safely

    yeah, you should also clear you game-cache
  17. G

    How to bot safely

    Your next ban will be permanent, i would not bot on this Account again.
  18. G

    2.95 - Reduced CPU Settings

    i want proof
  19. G

    Resolved Failed to bind to game client because of exception

    Did you restart your pc after installing runemate? i see you joined today.
  20. G

    OSRS Woodcutting Bot Request

    There is a free tutorial on how to do one yourself here: Tutorial - Let's make a basic woodcutter and banker with VisualRm