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  1. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    whys ur kitchen so far away LOL mah man
  2. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    1 of 3 different parties' actions can affect bot function, and 1+ of them did
  3. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    yes, you arent reading the discussion posts posted prior to yours
  4. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    Last updated 4/2/2017 :rolleyes:
  5. P

    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    10 out of the 10 times I've observed it stopping (aka when the boxes start falling & disappearing) were when the bot clicked on a box/location during the "unstoppable frames" that occur after setting up a box. During this time the bot says "moving on top of a spot"
  6. P

    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    i lol'd Decided to really babysit the bot to narrow down possible causes of the performance issues -- issue 1 being a significant slowdown past 15-20mins and issue 2 being the loss of boxes (1-2/hr). At 15-20 mins I noticed the aforementioned symptom of clicking a box during the uninterruptible...
  7. P

    Prime Fishing

    Antiban acting extremely squirrely, shooting around a million miles an hour and extremely jagged
  8. P

    Prime Fishing

    need some nice progs? this was done using the new break handler interface
  9. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    I'd love to tbh. Coming from a python/C++ background, would you recommend any sources specifically?
  10. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    Ah I meant on the other suggestions.
  11. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    Wanna open source it? :^) We could work on it
  12. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    I meant regular numeral hotkeys Also @Serene after babysitting the bot for ~20 mins I noticed an increase in right click fails. This increase expanded over the next 10 mins until I fully stopped the bot at 30min due to 8+ misclicks per right click
  13. P

    Ample Construction [Deleted]

    I like the bot. Here are my constructive (heh) criticisms. - keep the camera angle high so it doesn't have to waste time/look botlike adjusting the camera lower when building/phials-ing - use hotkeys (not sure if this is possible using RM client, but it would increase efficiency and be much...
  14. P

    Prime Fishing

    ty boys B)
  15. P

    ApexFisher PRO [Deleted]

    Surprised you don't have Baxtorian Falls :o Any plans for adding?
  16. P

    Prime Fishing

    Observed a shift click bug where it gets stuck in an infinite loop when it (sometimes) left clicks instead of shift clicking and goes on 'use'-ing one fish on the next & on the next & so on. Pretty big red flag for jagex I'd imagine. This occurred 2x within a 3 hour period. Other than that the...
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    Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

    OSRS: Overall very nice, did notice some performance dips around 1h:15m however. There was a noticeable 5% decrease xp/h and general speed
  18. P

    Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

    Awesome bot, 99.9% flawless. Only problem I've ran into over the 1-2 weeks that I've been running it: When a random event pops up and their hitbox is behind whatever it is you're fighting, it just spams right clicks at a significantly-faster-than-human rate. Luckily this only happens when the...
  19. P

    Prime Pest Control [Deleted]

    Awesome bot thus far. Suggestions: Move around brawlers. % chance to move to random tile when entering boat. Quick prayers option. Skip dialogue from void knight after victory/defeat & enter boat immediately. Thanks again Party :^)
  20. P

    Resolved Nothing Works

    just remember the age demographic of the game :confused: