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    Tutorial Report Outdated Bots & Inactive Bot Authors Here

    Bot Name:AWESOME GILDED ALTAR Bot Author: awesome123man Bot Author Last Activity: not available Forum Thread:Awesome Gilded Altar Description of Issue(s): This Bot has not been working since at least August 21st 2018, thats almost 2 months ago. Bot author has been commenting on other threads...
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    How to Report Dead Bots

    Hello all, Thanks for reading, I have a simple question. I have been told by many people (@American Express @Cloud ) to post reviews and discuss in the bot creators board for issues concerning the functionality, or lack of functionality of certain bots. How do I report bots as being out of date...
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    To be completely fair, If RM could do this, all they would have to do is go around a target .001% of the people and get them, and post this generic response up, and make everyone think they are crazy, all the while make cash. I agree with you, and think the guy is a loon,
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    Regal Gilded Altar [Deleted]

    This needs to be fixed or removed
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    Scuffed Abyss [Deleted]

    It does not eat at all, cannot find food in bank, when there is 14 different options. i typed in exactly as shown.
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    Regal Fishing Trawler [Deleted]

    Post Logs we need to see what it is doing, there is a logical reason as to why it wont. The logs will tell us everything, whether it is indeed broken, or its user error. Its a tell all.
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    It has issues getting to Koreund and the dungeon there. It goes to the ge and tries to run north, and tries to run over the wall. I cannot be the only one experiencing this.
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    I understand, and I am sure its not a bug, I am just wondering if anyone knows the settings lol
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    I am having a hard time figuring out how to make it carry runes with it to tasks, for magic. Seems like it doesnt want to lol
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    That is a better response than what I originally received and made me understand, thank you.
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    reiterating a point that was clearly missed
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    I see lol Im just trying this for the first time and it was a little more difficult to work through the settings. However, it trying to run north of the GE and then walking back and foward b/c it obviously cannot do that, should at least be looked into maybe. It walks like it wants to go to...
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    This is a chore to figure out, and a bit of complaining but I think im figuring it out Hey AUTHOR, When it is withdrawing food there is a weird lag, most of the time it wont scroll to look for the item for food. It just sits there forever and is currently stuck at the GE trying to walk to the...
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    Quality Slayer [Deleted]

    So fast question will the bot grab an antifire shield out of the bank for certain tasks?
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    Bug Failed to bind to game client (WINDOWS 10)

    I figured it all out now. I have been trying in everything I could imagine. It turns out it is actually not the firewall but the antivirus itself. Turn off the antivirus and it works perfectly. Turn it on and it crashes it. Using AVG atm.
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    Request Initialiazation error/ failed to bind b/c of exception

    EDITED: @Cloud @Arbiter @Negrita I think I figured out the Initialization issue. I think it all comes down to trusted sources with antivirus software. I Had the exact problems lots of people have here, I did my due diligence, reinstalled java, and ensured locations of files were appropriate...
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    Implemented Look into this error

    This is issue certainly not resolved because Im getting the problem with the initialization and exemptions errors.
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    Divine Magics [Deleted]

    Im sorry to tell you this.......bad place lol not enough people to blend into the crowd bro.
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    Divine Magics [Deleted]

    Where were you doing this at? Location is very important, doing this at the bank, as the only person there will make you a big target. Doing this in a crowd, will make the chances less likely. I have a feeling you were by yourself doing this for 5 hrs. Thats not safe, and I recommend you follow...
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    Regal Fishing Trawler [Deleted]

    Why isnt there a send all to bank option, in case i wanted to keep the rewards? Or does it do this already? Disregard my last post, I checked logs, banks loot XD sorry guys