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    RS3 Anyone interested in a maxed ironman (except Archaeology) with 3b+ wealth?

    how much for the ironman? what are the stats for the other osrs accs
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    OSRS Working Tutorial Island Bot

    I'm developing a private one lmk if you are interested
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    OSRS Karambwan fishing

    Not that i know of. However if you are interested in having me try to make one for you let me know.
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    Question Login Handler Fails to function after being enabled

    I've been trying to set up a break handler. It correctly disables login handler, lobby handler, and interface closer and logs out. However, after the break timer runs to 0, login handler, lobby handler, and interface closer are re enabled but nothing happens. Any thoughts on why nothing would...
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    Bug Null Pointer Exception Help

    I recently got into writing bots and have written two. At the moment I am making a Tutorial island bot. I was slowly writing code and improving the bot until I started getting this error: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.runemate.callback.CallbackService.translate(we:326) at...
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    OSRS Runecrafting Script - Blood runes

    Ok I have an account that has 60 rc or I would test it myself. Let me know if you change your mind.
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    OSRS LF Mort Myre Fungus Bot

    How much would u be willing to pay for this?
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    OSRS proper cow bot

    Is there a lot of demand for this? I wouldn't mind trying to make one for free just to improve my skills tbh.
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    OSRS Blast furnace bot anyone?

    How much would you be willing to pay for this?
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    OSRS Runecrafting Script - Blood runes

    Hey ive recently gotten into making runelite plugins and was gonna expand to making a bot or two for runemate. How much would you be willing to pay for a custom bot? I cant guarantee a time frame because I'm still learning but I could try to make a runecrafting bot. Would you be willing to lend...
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    OSRS Selling OSRS account [main][high][few 99's][void][fighter torso]

    could u show expired/quashed offences please?
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    OSRS Sold

    Beast main for sale with 6 99s, quest cape, groot pet, avernic defender, rigour, full void and ferocious gloves. CO: 400m AW: 550m I am not original owner but the OO is trusted on Sythe. I will provide a refund if account is recovered up to 1 month after the original sale. bump...
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    OSRS @I Dont Care is a scammer

    Just found it Wondering if I can post a report a scammer thread there even though it happened here. Don't want anyone else getting scammed.
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    OSRS @I Dont Care is a scammer

    Your advice is sound but you aren't analyzing the whole scenario. Let's use your example. Yes I gave him my phone but in essence I had enabled find my phone so even though he had it, I could always find it (recover which is what I did). As far as selling to more reputable people, its a catch 22...
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    OSRS @I Dont Care is a scammer

    Thanks for your opinion. Your judgement based on someone's join date is faulty logic at best. Someone who joined a long time ago can still scam. Likewise new people don't always scam. If you have nothing of value to add, don't comment.
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    OSRS @I Dont Care is a scammer

    Will post once I get home apologies. I never bought your rs3 account nor took it from you Screen capture - 748c4fd8d6c07eed213d84f0bc54d615 - Gyazo Can any mods comment please
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    OSRS @I Dont Care is a scammer

    Scam Report Filed Against: I Dont Care Thread URL on RuneMate Forums: OSRS - Selling Zulrah acc and 100cb acc w/ 99 crafting, 95 agility, 85 mining Supporting Evidence: I have included various pictures. Gave login info so he could check acc out. Dropped all my untradeables. Luckily not that hard...