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  1. N

    OSRS Seling 40 range pure/Clean 1m 07 coins

    Admin Lock this thread,Business now concluded, and @watertao876 have fun in Life
  2. N

    OSRS Seling 40 range pure/Clean 1m 07 coins

    Selling now to Stranger I met on Meetme.com for 900k + 2k Natures, so yes, complete Idiot or Good business Judgment? idk dont care, time to Flip!
  3. N

    OSRS Seling 40 range pure/Clean 1m 07 coins

    please don't flame this thread, thank you, as words of my favorite movie"you don't like?? you don't buy?!" this is purely just business and this account is worth 1.8m and I have same offer of 1m on other site. I would not post it if it was not legit.
  4. N

    OSRS Seling 40 range pure/Clean 1m 07 coins

    I spoke with account sellers on unlisted site, account is orth 1.8m due to the botting potential/range guild and how all hours were hand leveled, with no marks, clean account.
  5. N

    OSRS Seling 40 range pure/Clean 1m 07 coins

    Comes with 500k cash, no marks, 40 range, 40 mining, 30 smithing, and 57 wc
  6. N

    OSRS Smithing Bot

    Are you from tribot? :), tribot has a high ban rate, because they have bots for everything, and no manual player input at all, reason why most of the LG users get ban faster than a rune spectre user. Enjoy the Bar smithing, and do the item smiths ur self, you last a lot longer. Besides, who said...
  7. N

    OSRS Smithing Bot

    @All My understandingreasonwhynosmithingbotsexistisbecausethey wanttokeepthecontencyofhavingyoutodosomeskillingonyourown thisallowsformoresmootherbotting,andlessjagexsuspicsionontheaccount thusmakingthePartySmithingbotperfect,andallowingyoutoexperiencethegamesomewhat...
  8. N

    Botting Progress WC Skiller OSRS

    2-5 hours 2-5 days, 6 hours 1 day, 10 hours 1 day, shuffle this pattern did 1 quest per week(non combat quest) 3rd Week leveled up range to 40, and magic to 20 (about 25 combat) achieved 50 mining(Awesome Dog mining) 32 Smithing (Prime Smithing) 70 wood cutting)Sudo/Maxi Woodcutting) Flip...
  9. N

    Prime Wintertodt [Deleted]

    asshoooollllleeee!!!!! its a free bot
  10. N

    OSRS Ez 100k hour Tea Collector Script

    SO basically this site and others
  11. N

    OSRS Ez 100k hour Tea Collector Script

    it says 300 ea on osrs os buddy?
  12. N

    OSRS Ez 100k hour Tea Collector Script

    Sir Gahad in Mcgrub Wood gives free tea for clicking on 2 chat options, and doesnt move out of promixty. with ez clicker/banking script 2 bots could make over 100k or more per hour as tea is sold for 300 ea.
  13. N

    OSRS SPLASH! bot

    ...........to lower ban rates?
  14. N

    OSRS SPLASH! bot

  15. N

    this is the only splash bot in entire Runemate...

    this is the only splash bot in entire Runemate...
  16. N

    RS3 Selling Rs3 Total 2000+ Account with total 1000+ osrs acc

    I actually did this twice, first time no probs, till this dady I still have it, second time...that's when fuckery happen Once upon a time... jk What happen basically first i traded him in-game gold for account(never do that, you really can not recover it) then he "allowed me to play for...
  17. N

    OSRS 2 hour bot + Mod Comment Perm Ban hehe xd

    troll no no? im looking for a Fishing VIP bot, something that wont get me banned in F2p, are there any reconmendations, also my keyboard sometimes doesnt type what I press.
  18. N

    OSRS 2 hour bot + Mod Comment Perm Ban hehe xd

    Then can I pay for A VIP f2p fising script? I'm a fisherman in every mmo i play, dont really do anything else.
  19. N

    OSRS 2 hour bot + Mod Comment Perm Ban hehe xd

    Here is J Mod comment hehe xd Account banned for macroing in OldSchool. Our macro detection system has been monitoring your account closely and has detected that you are using illegal 3rd party software which violates the rules of the game and breaches your terms of service with Jagex. Our team...